I had the OSD turned off because it was annoying me. Im glad I was able to help you guys with my find so you can help other people in the future
in (Crashing) Please Help I cant play mariens properly Comment by nanoismydog August 2015
no all it really does is make sure my fan is running fast enough to keep my video card cool. Some people use it to overclock there video card but i just make sure its on so i never overheat my video card with the newer games. Here is a link to it if…
After further investigating on my end i found out the cause of the problem/crashing. If my EVGA PrecisionX is turned on it causes the crashing. If its turned off the game runs normally. So im not sure whats causing it do do that but if you can inves…
Thank you all for your hard work and help with my stupid problem. Great work guys and I +10000000 all of you for your hard work, help, and effort in helping me with my problem.
I dont get why I would be having windows issues as i just did a clean install of windows 8.1. I just did a clean install of my video card gonna try the game again and see if it fixed the problem if not then im gonna have to wait a year until i can a…
I will do a clean install of the nvidia drivers but if that doesn't fix the problem I cant exactly fix the issues in the event viewer because i have no idea what to look for or how to fix it.
Can you tell me what to do step by step because im confused as to what I need to do.
lol ya this problem is really annoying me to the point im not playing until it gets fixed because about 50% of the time i get put on marines and I cant do anything unless i use the basic weapon at the start so i cant upgrade or repair anything
So here is the latest log while graphics are on the lowest settings, using verbose 3 made my own server and typed cheat 1 on a normal PC screen running 1440 x 900
Its updating now and then I will check to make sure the game is working and if i am still having the problem I will post another Tech Support file
Here is the newest tech log
I took off the TV and put my Dell 17' computer monitor on it but im still having the same issue on marines.
yup i have done everything i could think of and even rebound the E key so idk what else to do.
My FPS is about 30-60 FPS depending on my settings. I use a I7-2600 3.4ghz 8gig ram and Nvidia GeForce GTX 560Ti with the newest drivers but not beta drivers
ya i have done it about 5 times now and even did a fresh install of my operating system and NS2
So here's what I have done so far and why it has taken me so long to respond. First I did a clean install of my OS (Windows 8.1) I then updated all my windows updates it found at the time. I then downloaded Steam and Installed NS2. I joined a differ…
I didnt think I had mods installed as I just installed the game for the first time ever and dont know how to even install them. I have already validated the files with Steam twice now and both times it said the files were good.
Ok so I start as a Marine and then I wanted to go and buy a new weapon using E on the Armory and the second I push E my game closes and goes right to the desktop. I was attempting to make a video of the problem but my computer was having issues for …