Ok.. I switched to Catalyst now. Started the game and tried to start a sandbox game. But the game froze during the loading process. I killed the game manually and restarted NS2. This time I had no problems to start a sandbox game and it loads much f…
I will switch my driver back to Catalyst later this day (if the driver is compatible with my current kernel and xorg) and try to reproduce this problem.
I have talked with another dev about this problem. At the moment we have no idea what could cause this problem. And I don't know how to reproduce this problem.
You have the same problem? Can you post more informations about your system (… -
AFAIK the game will not work with the AMD Catalyst 14.4, because it fails to compile the shaders. I think someone mentioned here in the forums, that the game is working with the latest beta. So could try to upgrade the Catalyst/Fglrx driver to the l…
Havent had a chance to analyze this problem, yet. I was currently looking for the case sensitive warnings, when loading a map, and I think I found a solution for this problem. At the moment I cant test anything, because the current… -
(Quote) Can you check, if this also happens with vanilla servers (servers without mods)?
These servers dont have any mods ( or Thanks in [Linux] Workaround for AMD Catalyst users - UPDATE Comment by murray August 2014 -
(Quote) Yeah, thats right in general.
But on my system the game only starts, if I make symlink against the global libudev.
Can you tell more about your sound system? Are you using Alsa? Or Pulseaudio?
Btw. I found a … -
Maybe you are missing a 32 bit lib?
Can you check the library dependencies of the ns2 binary?cd SteamApps/common/Natural\ Selection\ 2/ ldd ./ns2_linux32
correct! thanks!
I also had this or a similar error. It looks like, your mesa library is incompatible with the steam runtime [1]. Please start steam from a terminal and look for errors like this:(Quote)
After switching from Catalyst to Mesa, i had the same problem. Have you tried the workaround (symlink to /usr/lib32/ , which i described in this thread?
in Linux Mesa support status Comment by murray July 2014Can you upgrade your Mesa version? Current stable release is 10.2.1 and should work with NS2 (at least for me).Yes, but it's a dirty workaround.*push*
maybe someone can try(Quote)
I think you are using mesa? Thats another problem. Maybe you are missing some 32 bit libs.
Check with ldd, if the ns2 binary can find the requiered libraries.(Quote) Maybe there are still some missing shaders, which must be compiled. Just left a message.Try following: go into the ns2 installation folder and make a symlink to /usr/lib32/ If this library file doesnt exist in /usr/lib32, then you must install the 32 bit libs of systemd.
(Quote)I also tried Mesa 10.2 git version in februar and it didnt worked for me. But with Mesa 10.1 the game is running. I would downgrade and try it again.(Quote) That's a good question. I would say it's related to Mesa.
Or ask some devs in the irc channel #radeon @freenode
I have all the same graphic issues and I think theses are bugs or missing features in the mesa driver. If I remember correct it worked with the fglrx.Just tried it with the current mesa drivers in arch linux and this game is running now!
The performance is playablePlease post the output from glxinfo and lspci. I am not sure, but I think a Intel IGP will not be fast enough for this game under Linux.
And you find the ns2 logfile (log.txt) in (Quote)@tuxator Can you switch to the Catalyst 14.1 beta driver and check, if the game runs with the shaders, which you compiled with the mesa driver?
I can start the…I reinstalled 10.2-devel and got OpenglGL 3.3, but still not working. Same error, renderer cannot be initialized. I think I should wait some time and try a newer git version soon.(Quote)I just tried the latest mesa-git version (10.2-devel). With this mesa version the game fails to start. Other games like Left4Dead 2 and Killing Floor are running fine.
(Quote)@tuxator I am also using a 64 bit distribution (Arch Linux) and have 8 GB ram. Afaik you are running the game with a Radeon HD 5870, correct? So, i think its a problem in …With mesa i get into the menu of the game. So far so good. But when i run the process "optimizing" or i start the tutorial of the game, then after loading the map and the shaders the game crashes during the "precaching" process.
I am using Mes…Ok, I thought they wanted to integrate the workaround in this build.
Later i will try the mesa drivers.