I really think this is for the best. For multiplayer to be a sufficiently compelling experience to justify the costs, Subnautica would have to change A LOT. As is, Subnautica is one of my favorite solitary games, but throwing another person into the…
Why not solar panels that protrude from the top when you near the surface? It could initiate a slow recharge -- like the rate of oxygen replenishment in the seamoth -- but would function much like regular diving, only on the scale of a cyclops.
I wholeheartedly agree with your points on adding purpose to resource gathering, and particularly with Don't Starve, whose impending doom makes extended exploration outside the safety of your home base's perimeter very difficult.
I feel compelled to defend the survival in this game.
I think that the survival components give the game an entertaining conflict which challenges and motivates the player. While I agree that the game's best feature is its exploration, I…