mmm....also in plain English....Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and all I am saying is being able to save is quite a basic function in any game, so calm down and remember what your mummy tells you, if you cant say anything n…
mmm....also in plain English....Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and all I am saying is being able to save is quite a basic function in any game, so this is not aimed at anyone in particular but you are a Knob.. in GAME WON'T SAVE MY PROGRESS (3 in 1 update)Comment by mercianOctober 2017
So it seems that the devs have spent there time on giving us a cuddly fish.....brilliant....but cant see any point in updating the game with anything other than a fix so that most people can actually play this...seems their proprieties are a bit mix…
Same old issue, one problem fixed and another created. getting a bit fed up waiting to play this game as I have been unable to play properly since owning it. Seems a lot promises and talking but lacking in the doing by the devs. I know this is a pre…
Same problem here. Saved it first time from new game no issues. However click save and it does not write over save so again cannot play it.. Getting close to giving up on this
Same here saves once then doesn't over write the save, just wasted 3 hours, I am on the point of giving up on this game....
Waited ages for the patch so that I could actually play this and I still can't.