Beautiful, a similar formation exists in Scotland (saw that in Uncharted 4).
>Fingal's cave. -
@ArbiterLegends OK but it's still vague... any feature idea in particular? The developpers may hear you so seize the opportunity.
in More customization Comment by jak_fr July 2016
@Jamezorg No I got the idea from actual people riding actual whales. But I'm going to check this game out, it sounds interesting.
@Jamezorg I'm glad to see there are other Reefback fans out here. That's a cool idea, a bit far fetched but cool
in Defensive Reefbacks Comment by jak_fr July 2016
I think it's a very relevant suggestion. My screen is basically saturated with beacon signals (and I admit I lose my sub all the time in the dark). Maybe a new tab in the PDA could allow the player to select the ones to display...
How exactly would you like to customize your seabase? Change the color of walls? Because there's already a lot of stuff: aquariums, plants, shelves, tables, chairs, vending machines, trash cans... and more is probably coming.
A biome that shuts down electrical devices? Like the bermuda triangle? I like that idea a lot, but what happens, let's say, if you go too far in it and are unable to get away? You lose your sub? Also how do you breathe...?
The fish that … -
D'accord et merci pour cette réponse aussi rapide. Alors allons-y je propose "algue sanguine" ou plus littéralement "liane sanguine". Mais bon tant que "vine" n'est pas traduit par vigne (grapevine) ou par vin (wine) ça me va. -
Faut pas non plus traduire mot à mot sinon "apple tree" ça donnerait arbre pomme^^. Bulbo tree me fait penser à "mango tree", le "manguier"...donc "bulbier" ou "bulbonnier"?
Mais comme la terminaison en "ier" c'est surt… -
Comment et où la traduction s'organise t-elle svp? Quelqu'un de particulier est en charge?
J'ai pas mal joué à SN ces temps-ci et autant certaines traductions sonnent bien et ont même enrichi mon vocabulaire ( avec "ori… -
I agree with that idea but the animation has to be really short and dynamic like that of the seamoth docking, as people are concerned about the waste of time.
It would require limited efforts from the devs (I suppose): they would have to… -
I like the idea I'm just not sure about drones doing all the job. An AI could be added via a module to the seabase. It could be a companion for the player, making funny remarks like Glados (Portal) or giving him infos like that hologram in the Mass …
Maybe an ambush predator would be a good addition, something with a huge mouth and a tiny body, waiting in the sand... basically an angler fish (but alien!).