Its not in the server.txt. Its just as it should ... but it shouldnt change the collor to yellow. It worked on other Servers before (not mine). They were white all Day. So what could be the Problem? (If u did give a Tip Dragon i didnt understood it …
It was still in the mapcycle.json, i deleted it. But the Server is still yellow after Mapchange. (IT´s white when the server starts) you got more ideas?
I nearly fixed the Problem, it still doesnt run as it should but i will overclock my CPU as soon as the other Fans r delivered and then it should. The Problem was that my CPU was too high in Tempr…
Did try to do that with a Tool, pretty outdated one. In Addition i resetet my BIOS, this seemed to help a litle bit at least, runs a bit better now. I think i will reinstall Windows tomorrow, maybe this does the rest. Ill report!