The war is over along with my russian army
You seen my forces yet you could overpower them. Its up to you what you will do with rest of mine old forces. Im becoming neutral
I lost. Go on and laugh at my face. -
Whatever im getting tierd of this war. Yes you get it i surrender.... SURRENDER! Looks like i have no chance against you. Im not gonna start a new war.... for now.....
Yeah, but would you rather sit in a plane that can explode any second or not takeoff at all? -
Hortens test flight was NOT successful. During the test one engine overheated and starded burning. That fire killed one of the designers. -
Now were talking that is undetecteble unless ivan is shooting..... -
Its fake that its undetecteble sorry -
This will let me pass.
You really want me to send Ivan against you?
Nice planet gun would be a shame if i send a few X-wings to blow it up...... -
Whos side are you on? If not on side of my empire then be ready for destruction. By setting free my army of street gopniks and soviet soliders (and maybe some STALKERS from chernobyl)
Kouji_san you should have told me what the soviet era was.......
Rest in cyka....
Why not this?
Why gustav when you have yamato?
You seen this tank?ur DED it has railgun
Who laughs at whos tank?this or this one
Im no communist im a street gopnikI found something better than that kv2 IVAN! COME OVER HERE!
You made stalin angry DONT make him send 5000kg of communism your way......(Quote)
You said 152mm gun is inacurrate then look at the japanese 37mm that gun i less acurrate than 152mm gun(Quote)
The hell did ya smoke doing this?(Quote)
But then there would be more use for seaglide later in the game(Quote)
Think of it kv2 152mm gun is2 122mm gun. An APHE shell from kv2 can rip apart a damn IS2 from the front(Quote)
Why not the pe-8 its much better with its 5000kg of communism https://goo.gl/images/TEtZkk