Most people leave because they get their ass kicked all day long, thats true. But that ass kicking would have happened anyways, due to the steep learning curve and players being used to soft, beginner friendly, no-brain shooters like COD. Most of th…
You already have the lua source, it's in your game directory
@Hugh so what happened to the episodes explaining what happened to the submachines?I think the bigger problem with the stack is not 2 pros joining the same team. It's the 5 decent pubbers recognizing this and quickly joining after them. That leaves all the clueless rookies on the opposite team and then it becomes a stomp. As long …I'm really sad to hear you shut hbz down, depara. It was my favorite server to play on, even if (or especially because) there usually are really good players there and I am usually happy to go 5/15 there.
Maybe try running it without the…Just to provide a different perspective from all the pro player bashing: I played a recent round with ancestral on ghouls server on veil. He immediately went gorge, supported the team the whole time, gave strategic advice and went 2/5 k/d. After we …(Quote) As I was saying, we need any samples at all, not a wider one... You didn't provide any reliable information at all, and so has nobody else. All I see in this thread are some highly subjective opinions (which, what a surprise, say they don…This has nothing to do with "elitism" or a horrible community. The simple fact that you play on a 42 slot server and believe the game is smooth disqualifies your judgement in this matter, which is why people don't take you seriously. If you don't un…All hail to the king! Thank you for fixing this pesky little buggerBasically, every time a computer program reads data from memory, the cpu needs to find out where exactly it is in physical memory. This is called virtual memory page translation [1]. Memory is organized into pages which are usually 4KB. The cpu cach…Cool, which files exactly should i look at? Couldn't find anything in the huge pile of ns2 lua files@Sewlek, the file you linked is no longer available. Can you re-up it somewhere or is it hosted somewhere else?Thanks @SteveRock for taking the time to explain the technical details a bit, I really appreciate the transparency.Basically, I think what @Hugh said goes into the right direction. But the main problem of ns2 development is that the focus is too much on content creation and not enough on …Really nice videos, thank you for making them. Hopefully more people will watch them and improve public commandingWhat happened to this? It was a pretty great idea and suddenly you went silent, @HughWhat happened to the submachines?Ivy Bridge i5 3470@3.4Ghz, Radeon 7870@1Ghz, 8GB DDR3 1070 (666Mhz).
Runs game smoothly @ 1920x1200 with all the fancy graphics options disabled (minimal infestation, no shadows, minimal gui (ns2+), no bloom, Atmospherics and Ambient Occ…That issue has already been complained aboutIt's true the vote does balance the teams quite well some times. However, it will very frequently get it very wrong because of the way hive stats work. Commanding gives you a very high penalty and usually players who are good at the game tend to com…Yeah, I also have at least 1 crash a day, usually memory corruption bug on mapchange. I must say, this is the worst piece of server software I have ever seen in my entire life. If this wasn't a game but something people used in production, every sin…