agree with xDragon is not about the individual fades its the fade pack that's the problem a fade that can go in a kill a whole bunch of marines single handedly is a awesome fade yes but probably against a team of bad marines. The fade ball was the p…
ok so read most of the post and yes those people that are good with fades should be awarded with kills and marines that need to learn how to aim should be rewarded with death however the greatest weapon that the marines have is group cooperation and…
additionally the marine rifle reload should be shorter if you have a round in chamber instead of the same reload time every time teaching marines and to be more tactical on their reloads instead of dumping the mag every time knowing that it doesn't…
I think a battle rifle would be better suited three round burst with higher damage with a 1.5 scope and yes thermal vision should be an upgrade for marines but it should be a tier 3 weapon like only unlocked after weapons 3 or weapons 2 are research…