Yea, new mouse. -
Like I even care?
All I know is that there should be one hotkey that is always a medpack, other one - always ammo, other one - scan, and another one for beacon. I don't like when some medpack/ammo key turns into a beaco… -
So, MOBA-style hotkeys when?
It's just mandatory for parasite, metabolize and all commander abilities. -
I'm still interested in that ticket about making all actions (of lifeforms and commanders) bindable to specific keys. -
Or just stop changing the wrong things.
Good fix.
I'd like to join the crowd that is angry about the spectator mode that broke the Steam server browser.
I'll use this opportunity to remind everyone that NS2 still needs sellable hats. (I mean customizable everything: models/structures/units/abilities/map elements) -
Wow, that's impossible.
(although every known MOBA does it nowadays) -
Around 45 minutes (may be 20, may be hour and a half).
Also, I think that it's a bit unfair to compare hours/week of NS2 to DOTA2 because Valve applies some pretty aggressive strategies to boost the playtime. For exampl… -
Because you can eat only when commanding aliens. -
I think that in Dota2 and Chivalry the tutorials weren't optional...
- remove the healthbars
- make all abilities (commander or lifeforms) bindable directly to single keys like in MOBAs (little side effect - WASD camera movement for a com)
- I like the balance mode where crush and celerity are bo…
Maybe use the Steam server browser: View -> Servers. Still several clicks. -
I can't tell exactly (because it's in the code). But now you don't fall when you have to look slightly down when stepping over some stuff on the ceilings.
in Update 315 Now Live on Steam! - Natural Selection 2 Comment by devel May 2017 -
Omg, ceiling walking got some attention at last!
Let's see how it works ingame.
Edit: yes, it's now working! Skulk OP, pls nerf! -
It's an illusion that you're connected to the server. It's purely psychological. You're not in the game, and it's as hard to join as before. Plus you can't join automatically.
in Please, remove spectator-only slots from your servers Comment by devel September 2016 -
You can't join/rejoin the round automatically, that's the point. -
Balance is still not fixed after introducing these stupid healthbars.
Still holding to healthbars? Tried suggestions that were made when they were introduced?
Maybe just salvage the thing by fixing the rookie experience by removing healthbars from skulks? -
There are different steam depots for different versions?
Targeted abilities are fun. No armor amount in dota, so have to restore health. Dota has magic damage that isn't blocked with that spell, so it's about evenin What should be done about the health bar? Comment by devel May 2016
True about punishing people who play alien.
But I don't agree that aliens should be able to directly stop the marine push. It's intended that they must go around and hit the res or rush something.
Mines/obs:… -
At least you don't need to scan them like in SC2 and they don't give vision. -
@remi, yep Cold Embrace from Dota. Even the duration matches. You need to increase cooldown to 15 to be perfect.
You see, now you're needing stuf… -
Not bad: no need to mod the skulk crosshair to be visible by default (edit: actually, had to make it the same as bite). And the silence upgrade is in the game at last.
We can find out the build number. I've posted this topic just after the change.
(but several previous builds were workaraundable by disabling the key repeat) -
He's probably talking about a rookie server. -
The thread about competitive 'helps to feel the end' too much too. -
Have you heard boys? We are now officially a Comp scene.
(I've heard the real Comp scene has rq some time ago)