@BeigeAlert Will it be possible some day to import a model as well? (Or is there already a way to import a model into blender?)
1. No, since the message complained about global. But I get it now.
I got Xeno working now lol
I do wonder… -
Thanks for taking all the time. I will make some blog posts soon on how to get started for other people.
Your help means a lot. Soon I probably need less help...
O damn, yeah I meant ns2_tram in Some questions to get me started a bit faster Comment by clankill3r May 2015 -
Is it save to remove all content in:
C:\Users\Doeke\AppData\Roaming\Natural Selection 2
Cause for some reason I can't load any map anymore. My mod is nothing more then the UberShotgun.
Even if i crea… -
thanks, this help was beyond what I expected!
Maybe the Entry thing didn't exist when they created the tutorial? -
O yeah nice update
Being able to know the bone position would be really awesome! It has to do with an idea I have to make an alien based on generative design. -
Instead of nvg's do me some gasmasks against spores
I would love that the commander could drop them. Nerve gas is so helpful.
Let me put it this way. I would like that ns2 keeps track of how often you leave a game during the game.
This way servers owners could prevent certain players from joining. -
I'm still interested in seeing this released. However, I think you have more change if you let someone make a very good implementation.
There is lot of difference. First, if someone makes his own server then he has the 0 ping advantage. This can give a really huge adventage.
For the rest dedicated servers have to deal with a lot less, they don't have to render graphics for exa… -
Ok, I got it. dxdiag shows the version installed. But my virtual machine supports only 9.0 something.
Guess I have to bring my pc back from the studio to my home in Couldn't create (null) render device Comment by clankill3r January 2015 -
I think FP would really shine if the user is able to create a tony hawk editor
Both an in editor one and an in game one. -
I want Uke's alien vision
Will FP inform users of this anyway?
I think it would be nice if you can define some text in a file that get's used as a header for every new file you create. -
I was just asking myself if this will affect NS3.
Then I realized how UWE is able to test all kind of strange stuff in the future to cook a protype for a new game again in NS2 Assets? Comment by clankill3r January 2015 -
Amen for that. I think that could make this game. A dedicated doesn't have to allow for ingame editing, hotloading etc. for me. I think it should be close to 'bare bones' to run different games. If we can have even 12 players then … -
@dushan (Quote)
Can those places be accessed by us? I'm working from time to time on a design document about a game with arbitrary gravity for over 7 yea… -
I checked with dxdiag and it says direct x 11.
I have an NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB.
I was able to run ns2 before but it has been a long time ago since I was running ns2 on my mac.
I also checked the log it says:
I hope it helps.
I try to figure … -
I think it's time for a alien vision contest
I like the idea.
I would like to see one more, the biomass level.
I think it would be nice if we start with a not so nice alien vision, like the current one and that each biomass level makes it look prettier.
One thing for su… -
Damnit dottedfish played allready half-life 3...
Hardcore multiplayer underwater please
If the game is really ha… -
I don't see how NS2: RP sale on steam would help improve the player base. People that have ns2 will buy it. People that don't have ns2 are less likely to buy it.
Sure i'm up for it but I would prefer content that makes people that own ns… -
I have a g500 and it sucks. If I make a quick mouse movement for a fast 180 turn then I hardly turn at all. For the rest it's ok.
I think creating good gameplay is the hardest part. How can you keep subnautica interesting for longer then a week? To begin, I think the game should have a nice curve, from being easy at start to close to impossible at exploring certain depths.
O yeah some more ideas I had.
-Being able to use grenades to set wired boobytraps. The grenades should detonate with a small delay. 1 parasite on the nade should kill the nade.
Let's say your a skulk at the vent at overlook and you…(Quote)
This was pre game 1vs1:
Map was mineshaft, I had a double exo and a JP + shotgun. I was in marine start in the corner at a high position. A onos was going in for me and i shooted till my miniguns where overheated. Then I pres…+1 for the idea to move to github. Including the source.
For the rest, I like that upgrades are moved to the hive again instead of structures. But it would be nice that if a lifeform is fully upgraded that it has a green and different ic…