Honestly, I have a similar problem, and it's the result of two compound issues. The main problem is the following mentality:
"I see that marine. He is mine. I swiped that marine. His death should… -
I played Counter-Strike since I was in 3th or 4th grade (~2002/03). Gone through the CS betas, CS 1.0, 1.3, 1.6, CS:S, and now CS:GO. I had my TFC/DOD/NS1 binges, but CS was always my go-to FPS game... almost dropped out of high school to go pro dur…
Also should consider desktop sens
DPI: 2700
Desktop: 6/11
In-Game: .85 (rines), 1.4 (aliens)
… -
If they sold black armor, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
(Quote) We're talking within the context of the KKG 250+/500+ servers, because it's not just 7-8 random pub-level shotguns, it's 7-8 shotguns that can decently aim, know how to cover, and don't just walk backwards in a straight line. I have to sa…
This whole fuss about player count, I think, is irrelevant and overblown. Whether you're comp or not, a pub is a pub--it's not nearly as organized as a scrim/pcw or pug no matter who's populating the server. And honestly, the difference between 18 s…
(Quote) I don't know man, railgunners who can aim can win the round for you pretty easy. Basically 1 shot any lifeform. Fade takes a full charge and a 1-2 second charge as he's blinking away. I think rails are fine.
(Quote) Because she's employed by ESL. She doesn't know anything about NS2 or NS1. She does coverage of CS:GO. I'm sure if she had a choice she would have skipped it just because of her lack of knowledge, but props to her for agreeing to be a par…
Great to see that you guys are taking the initiative with this. Love of the game is what led me to being a caster, hopefully this will be a good way for aspiring casters to practice their craft!
(Quote) Thanks for enjoying
I got involved because I wanted to, not for any rewards or accolades. Unfortunately, real life has …
Basically what @PaLaGi said. UWE's venture into NS2 can be likened to anything else, really... an artist who attempts to paint a masterpiece as his first work; an author us…
Disagree with OP.
The point of having only 1 IP is to balance the game--to add a much greater element of risk to marine pressure.
A marine, in nearly every situation, has the advantage versus a skulk. To balance this, they ha… -
It's always sad to see players leaving but... to be frank, "Farewell" posts aren't necessary. It seems like most people make them to try and be a catalyst for change--which is commendable, and their hearts are in the right place--but it really isn't…
Nice video, btw
in Stream of Consciousness 1 (Tips and Tricks) Comment by casan0vax December 2013
My feelings are hurt.
(Quote) I'm not going to argue semantics with you (fundamentally, whether the infinitive is split or not, the meaning of the sentence is not changed--it's a matter of grammar, but I digress). Sure, it's not a big deal any more, but being a lingui…
I'm gonna plug myself here... ISE's videos are really good, and I've also done a Marine tutorial myself.
Since you have so many hours, some (most) of it will be inapplicable to you, as this video is geared mainly towards 100% new players… -
Sick video, elodea! But to be honest, what impresses me most—besides your being Australian—is the fact that you didn't split the infinitive in the thread/video title. My faith in proper grammar has been restored. THANK YOU.
EDIT: BTW the… -
lol holy thread derail, Batman. Good luck HaX with the recruiting, hope it's going well!
Awesome! I wish I could stream for this tourney, but real life is really throwing a monkey wrench into my NS2 plans
Always nice to see commanders streaming their POVs! There aren't too many doing it these days anymore, so kudos to you and your initiative, because there is definitely an audience looking for this stuffin Inside a head of a division 2 team WongaNS Comment by casan0vax December 2013
(Quote) Lock, don't go there... it's too soon... just too soon.
Group A: Snails win.
Group B: Titus win.
Group C: Should be Saunamen. Quactus are the wildcard.
GroupWe did it! Goðar lives!(Quote) True! It would appear that their stentorian approach to this ruling is to put on some sort of guise that this is a professional, no-nonsense tournament... when in reality, it's really no different than the previous ones we've had.
It would appear a lot of the issues are either resolved, or being talked about.
But as far as the whole Eissgate controversy is con…Sad to see this happen... I'll just put it out there now: I'll shoulder the majority of the responsibility for the team's most recent implosion. I got a lot of RL stuff going on right now (end of semester, graduating/getting master's degree, apartme…If marines couldn't watch possible approach angles while building, I estimate that they would die somewhere around 100% of the timeAs an old-school Beta Counter-Strike purist, I'd be all for this (I play cl_righthand 0 in all versions of CS), but like SamusDroid said... fat chance of this happening.I concede to your greatness, SamusDroid. Bravo!