This is a great idea! But it should only happen if the dlc in installed. The player should be given the choice to win the game, or continue in the dlc world.
What about a dive reel update? Add a tool/feature where you can attach an anchor point and if your in danger get reeled back to that point with a click of a button. Not teleported mind you, an animation would be used.
What about a harpoon gun as a tool, not a weapon? Tagging large/medium creatures to track and monitor them, similar beacons but they will move with the creature. Might also be used to mark biomes that you don't really want to get any closer to put a…
Bart Torgal talked about hallucinating/visions in his final PDA, why does the character never experience these? Huge beasts that are not really there. Pustules and sores growing and moving, loved ones deaths, and a rescue ship landing, false images …
While were on the subject of tides, visible currents would add a whole new part to the game, being useful for accelerated transport and possibly a way to make power (similar to the wind turbine ideas.) Plus, if the Arctic Biome is coming, currents c…