by the way it was cool to get out of the safe shollows
subnautica fan can you post the art work yet when i posted mine you said you drew some and you will post it. you only have 4 days!!
there are 20 throgh out the whole floating base
maybe add a hight sensing chip for the helmet. can only be crafted at M.A.Cs i would probily need some sky based item only acsible in a floating precurser base accecable by a blob of enzime 42 from sea empirors path or on aroura debris metal isla…
wow, just wow, realy wow
a biome called se empiror path where sea empirors used to swim and have the stuff from the sea empior breeding ground at a depth of 6000m and the deep sub to go with it the deep has a base crush depth of 5700 but with depth module mk 1 (max) it can…
why not for the OG subnautica to?
i was in a creative save, and just found the underwater islands. I went deeper, lost a seamoth to a boneshark.
in survival i was in my base and my pda said oprouching crush depth asend asap then i looked in my beacos menu seamoth was gon… -
so its about the a cuddle fish going deeper in a cave becouse of a blast from the neptune | rocket -
the second time i saw it explode i built them a grave
i did it on my creative save just telling you
this never happened to me
I love this but one idea they should not be close to any precursur bases becouse they where hunted by precursors and are scared of them now
its febuary 2021 now
ok and ya to stop motion
when is this gonna get activity -
oh and by the way the prawn has a torpedo arm i've even got remider's to restock it and i used creative
i use the cyclops for most thing like heck if you go to the top of the water with it you go anywhere but get the sheild first<… -
cyclops becouse i love hiding at it when i see any fish at all
i have different ideas at different times and don't know how to edit
what if there was a vehicle snake ts like the seatruck but with larger rooms and has a glass ball driving room (ill be ok if there's a no)
oh like if there's new fish wich are harmful can hurt you so i would like to not get hurt by them
disable gun before aurora explodes and then use the commands area and it will open a hole in the aurora and will fix the core
then wait for the sunbeam but you need a beacon first, but they insist to bring a peeper then they get a spade fish … -
and the spawn aurora command isnt working where ever I go
biomes ive been to kelp forest, grassy plautes [if thats its name] and crash zone
by the way that was a reply to the I asume sarcassm thing by the way i was not sarcastic
here are my 5 faverite games1 minecraft2 subnautica3 dragon city4 rolblox…also can there be a peaceful mode for this game [new fish new danger]what about 700mwhat if there was a teloscope room to go with the whole idea of air travle and a air upgrades for the drones in the scanner room
ok i just was giving base structres of itwhy does it reflect the woods