You can find this version here: https://web.archive.org/web/20051231045410/fmod.org/ in the FMOD 3.75 Programmers API section.
Bugs and erros should go here.
I fixed some of the bugs in NS v3.2 after the steam-pipe update and managed to get it running on Linux. But I just have so little time to test it and to fix the remaining bugs in the game.
Don't forget to test in Bring Natural selection 1 play back! Comment by Zeitgeist February 2016 -
So are you interested to bring it back to life? I guess you can find more info regarding that topic here.
If anyone likes to test the client or server you can download the zip file here!
This link should work: sllegacy.unknownworlds.com/files/ns/ns_install_v32.exe. It would be nice to have a zip version for mac and linux users.
There is. However the problem is that I have to fix 2 bugs which make the game not entertaining. #1 The chat is broken #2 Mouse rotation is locked to an specific angle. Everything else should work like expected but it needs testing. I am also lookin…
So true :-( ! the problem was vgui.so lib was not added to git. Should be fixed now.
When compiling a 32-bit application with gcc on a 64-bit system you will need "glibc-devel". As you suggested this dependency should be added to a list. On Debian you have to run this: "sudo apt-get install g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386" while …
The path to the folder with the makefiles is: NS/main/source/linux
Typing "make hl_cdll" will build client.so -
@Milanium you can safely ignore this script, it is the original build script for the server. I created both sripts for client and server like valve does for their hl1 stu…
It works! But i created new bugs :-(
After zillions of compile erros I manged to get ns compiled under linux. The bad news is it will not start:-( Error: "could not load library ....client.so" Maybe someone knows why it doesn't work so if you want to check download the file from:Good job. I can't really play the game either it crashes or mouse movement is laggy or both. Loading times are way to long. But it has improved since the last patch.Thanks, now i have a working client.dll for ns based on the new hl sdk :-) Forked your git i will push it as soon as possible.
Edit: Pushed the code to my fork. Both server and client are working now. There is still so much to do. Maybe i wil…@puzl just cloned your ns repository. I'm trying to make a build for windows in visual studio10. Right now i am stuck with a linker error which in my opion comes from "AvH…