Speedrunners often use glitches though. For speedruns, it's kinda part of the challenge to reduce playtime to the absolute minimum without hacking/modding the game, and exploiting glitches in the full release are part of that.
I don't think they have a lifespan, at least not as of the time of writing these posts. I believe the maximum power fluctuations may be a bug, but I don't know what exactly is causing it. It happens with other power sources as well; I've observed it…
(Quote) What about the lightweight tank instead of a high-capacity tank? With the previous system, there was no point in bringing the lightweight tank. How would you suggest should the lightweight tank work in the previous system?
And… -
Most people these days don't know how to farm. At all. They don't know how to handle weeds, insect infestations, plant diseases, or even just the basic cycles. How much water or light does a plant need? You'd think that these things are instinctive,…
I've been playing on experimental for forever now, and I don't find it too bad. I like the feeling of it having more inertia and drag. It was weird to me how the Seamoth felt more agile than swimming in person. That said, it's probably a bit too hea…
^ I think pipes quickly outlive their usefulness after the earliest stages of a game. You eventually get better and more oxygen tanks, fins, seaglides, seamoths, etc., and by the time you have the whole slew of options to go really deep, pipes are u…
(Quote) I've been saying this for a while. The protagonist in Subnautica is the janitor!
(So was Kurt in MDK.) -
(Quote) There's your problem. You should be playing Hardcore mode. Bam, problem solved. Everybody else who's happy with how it works now can stick to Freedom/Survival and is also satisfied.
You're welcome!in What's the point of death if it literary means nothing? Comment by Wratts January 2016
I actually like the way it's balanced right now. :x
I enjoy how it's an exploration game first, then a survival game second, and finally, it has horror moments but they are incidental. It gives me that "99% relaxing and intriguing, 1% sh… -
None of the options. I've died exactly three times:
1. By Crashes when I was completely new to the game.
2. Starving in a deep cave where I got lost.
3. Reaper Leviathan saying hello when it was added to the game and I wanted to ex… -
I don't really have objections against tech that seems reasonably advanced to match the rest.
Harpoon guns just seem very primitive compared to the rest. Something to launch DNA transfusion darts is somewhere in between, but works in my … -
Worked great till they met the Borg. Then they had to get creative. -
On a bit of a tangent, I like to imagine that the player character I play in Subnautica used to actually be a laid-back, very zen-minded janitor on the Aurora before it crashed.
...I'll go get my coat. -
I kind of agree with the OP here. Those feelings of isolation and being utterly stranded on an alien planet went away when I discovered the floater island. It sure surprised me and I found it a cool experience to discover it, but its sheer presence …
I only build a Cyclops to look at it. Seamoths and actual bases are much more useful to me.
(Quote) This is false, stop spreading this myth. Fully charge your stasis rifle and shoot it in the head. It will be frozen for a good amount of time.
(Quote) This is BARELY the most decent argument for adding them. The only problem is that it's irrelevant. It would be amazing to add such dynamic eco-system mechanics.
The problem is, whether there is or not, lethal weapons are irrel… -
I'd appreciate them more if they did that while recharging my Seamoth and Cyclops, when parked in their vicinity.
Well, I don't have the research to back this up, as I was figuring that my computer just might not be up to snuff, but this post has got me thinking now.
I'm not 100% sure yet and need to test this more, but I sometimes get the impressio… -
(Quote) I'm not sure if all items need to be destructible. As it is right now, the game balances its survival challenge a lot more around managing power. Most tools are drained of power until you recharge them, which needs extra helps like the en…
Twisty bridges. Or my other idea is that it's at varying depth beneath any biome, and you need to use a Terraformer to get to it.
Voting for twisty bridges though. -
Yeah it's new, I was dumbfounded at first when I got back in and saw a bunch of stuff needing lubricant, and me not knowing how to get it.
in Lucricant? Comment by Wratts July 2015
You need to harvest Creepvine clusters (the yellow glowing parts on creepvines), which you can do by hand.
A fabricator can convert them into Lubricant, which you now need for a lot of machinery. -
That's my favorite suggestion so far. It hits the key point of deterring the player from going too far out, which I for example did when I was new to the game. It also leaves plenty of room for your imagination. There might be a hu… -
(Quote) This is from May 1st of this year. Note the wording: "decided." This does not sound like the words of someone who wants to change their mind on this subject.
These sound like good ideas for a different game.
Given the small size of the Floater island, it doesn't make sense for it to be home to huge creatures. It seems like life developed there not too long ago when a Floater got too big and ra… -
Hippies/tree huggers. Not regular human beings. Weak-willed players who cannot choose to use the inferior strategy given superior options. People who need to grow up because they can't make their own decisions when they decide against something.
I like the ideas that went into this, and the design. It fits the game's style of sleek designs. I know I've been someone who's been opposed to a lot of suggestions for weaponry that can be used to kill the fauna in Subnautica, but my objections are…