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  • (Quote)
    People find the Life Pod comfortable? I want out of it as fast as possible. Waterproof lockers for storage space are really annoying.
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    Management isn't harvest. And once my inventory management is done? Inventory management isn't something always to be done and isn't greater than the amount of time this would take.

    Having a fabricator tied up I can liv…
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    Who does that? Why do you have to ever do that? Early game you use everything up so fast, mid game you make it as you need it, or make a stockpile. Or I just have a planter with a lantern tree in my base/cyclops and carry a few sal…
  • Oh ya, and people totally said this would increase the difficulty of the game, maybe not everyone on pro time side made it, but it has been said here. If it actually reasonably did so, it would be a decent point actually, but I fail to see how it do…
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    This doesn't add any real realism, and it doesn't add any suspension of disbelief for everyone either. In fact it can break it because now I'm going to sit around and wait, maybe alt tab or look at my phone until it's done crafting…
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    Well, except it really isn't three seconds or whatever. Time is already way abstracted in this game. A day cycle goes by extremely quickly, yet oxygen still uses real time seconds. Also, it's a super crazy 3D microscopic printer. R…