Well u need skill to track ur target which is missing his armor, landing the bite while in high speed leap, and escaping to right direction. Also leaping away as planned if u missed ur bite(surprisingly hard to do). With focus ur a… -
Well that's the first problem currently. You need to outmanouver/outskill marines just to get in to the melee range, and after that the true fight begins and u lose unless u outskill the marine second time. Marine can "freeroll" th… -
Haven't been playing much after the reinforced cos most of it sucked including the performance. And those few hours have been on marines because they made aliens so weak and because that wasn't enough they made alien vision some stupid LSD vision th…
What i don't understand is why isn't there "select next weapon" "select previous weapon" buttons still argghhh!?!!? Also grenades feel meh as they are now for me, 3 pres everytime u want 2 grenades that just feels too much trouble/too expensive when…
Maybe ppl like clusterfucks? who are u to decide for ppl what they should like or not? It seems to me only fool here is you, trying to force ppl to like same things as you do.
When ppl buy this game i think they have ri… -
Why doesn't this "get rid of +20 player servers" ever stop? Nobody is forcing u to play on them so deal with it or just stfu for crying out loud. Bad perfomance? how's that "bad performance" is any of ur fucking business if u don't play on them? Th…
Some did, i didn't, game was fine then imo. Aliens were a bit strong in terms of win% but it was acceptable. But atm balance is just disgusting. in competitive games marines win about 1 round of 4. So all that bullshit about blamin… -
Something is definitely wrong with shotgun, or my aim, maybe hitreg or bulledspread or both combined. I need to literally be standing next to skulk to 1shot him or fade to do the close to max dmg. from like 2-3 meter distance a good shotgun hit seem…
Nice vid indeed but u made 1 mistake. It is called Battlegorge not Wargorge :P
Because then the flamethrower guy/s has the edge, he/they can just spray and pray in peace and get shitloads of fragsin When should I buy a flamethrower? Comment by VittuLima August 2013
Uh? With even a little skill JP SG marine can challenge fade 1v1 and if he dies its 20res lose (i assume SG gets picked up again 50% of time).
So with 20 res marine has a good chance on killing fade and if he fails, it … -
The mobile siegecannons(arcs) are pretty stupid imo, since commander can actually solo a hive. He doesn't even neccessarily need his teams cooperation, just click the arc army into hive and deploy and kill hive in few seconds. In NS1 u needed ur tea…
Hmm this really depends on locations of everything. Where are the marines? can u kill them in short time? where is the power, can u die if they beacon? where is the obs and phase gate? If let's say u are attacking terminal in docking, just attack th…
I stack aliens a lot nowdays, because if i go marines it's almost sure win with no trouble whatsoever. Also all my sympathy atm goes to aliens for some reason, maybe because they are the underdogs. Even when i play on marines i sort of secretly wish…
Today i encountered 3 skulks alone, i killed first 2 then i was out of ammo and low hp. Then i jumped around like a frog half minute without the last skulk landing a single bite on me, till my friends arrived and killed the skulk. I felt bad for the…
But it's unbalanced to marines favor.
To op: Maybe ur marines were just stupid and didn't realize to kill the gorges. -
I might be wrong but i think any structure even extractor recycling gives back res based on how much hp it has left so if extractor is almost dead it gives back only 1 res etc so u don't win anything even economically by recycling it.
I know what u are trying to say, but this sentence is untrue. It was designed up to 16v16 and it is currently(as of now, not in past, not in future, now as we speak) supporting it as u can see in the server list in starting to prefer medium sized servers Comment by VittuLima March 2013 -
It is indeed opinion based. the game is so much more involving (to me, and many) with 20+ players, once you hit 20+ it's more about large strategic manouvers and less about invidual player skill, In 6v6 1 very good player can prett… -
Game does not turn to chaotic at +18 players, it becomes boring -18 players. Game doesn't become messy with big players numbers, It becomes a multiplayer game. Maps are not too small for big player numbers, they are too big for small player numbers.…
It is connected via usb
I keep my stereos as my default sound device and h… -
6v6 8v8 fanatics always raging here because they have nobody to play with, so they are trying to "force" ppl from +20 servers to come fill their empty 16p servers. Majority of ppl just like the big playercount, so go play on the big servers or stay …
I find gorge tunnels completely useless unless im onos and i need to be at the other side of the map asap, which happens like 3-5% of games. I don't really play gorge and skulk,fade and lerk are already so fast it doesn't really get u much faster to…
I have 4 cores, I5-3570k. My GPU is HD7750. My "normal" fps in game is 50-100. Lowest i have seen in late game huge battle was few patches ago 27. Highest in readyroom 200 staring at wall. As you can see my cpu is lightyears ahead … -
My specs:
Win 7 64-bit
i5-3570k non oc
8GB 1600mhz DDR3
I went out now trying to reproduce the failure, I managed to get similiar with couple of tries, game froze for coupl… -
I have this same problem sometimes when i change stuff in options not when i exit the game, i made a topic of it earlier today. Complete computer freeze.
in Black screen upon exiting ns2, computer locks up Comment by VittuLima March 2013 -
"waiting for gpu" doesn't mean shhit. I have i5-3570k hd7750! i have waiting for gpu always 0 but every1 should see that my cpu is far superior to my gpu. I get lowest graphs 1280x800 150-200 fps in menu, in game mostly 40-100fps. When i use hardwar…
12vs12 is the best. But that's a matter of taste. What, u want to force ppl play 8v8 because that's how YOU like to play it?
I dislike ppl complaining about big servers in this game. Nobody is forcing ppl to play on the… -
Am i the only one who hates the NS2 phasegates?? In NS1 u had to push "F" to actually use the phasegate but in NS2 i often keep just phasing accidently to locations i don't want to go lol. I also dislike skulking pretty much in NS2 even tho it was s…