Thank you for addressing my issue sir! It's a shame, such a good looking armor!
I would love to contribute to this project and i hope it would be a success!
Would like to give a copy of the Witcher 3 on GoG for and http://store.…
And i thank you for doing so, everyone who contributed to this conversation has my gratitude!
I realize this is a different RTS i really do, and i'm a big RTS game fan, back to the days of Command and Conquer, Act of Wa… -
That is actually a very good point, i only learned the Ammo and medpack hotkeys plus usual space bar to go the warning area! -
Isn't that an obvious thing? you cannot simply type fast enough and you cannot learn fast enough without advise. -
Well excuse us for trying to learn a game.
Mind you, this is a game, lose or win, you had fun either way, if you didn't, you're playing wrong and should redefine what "playing a game" means to you.
That's th… -
Also, on a side note, thank you for addressing this issue, i really like interactive developers!
Keep it up, you always have our support
Never said this was the only time a man did it to me or someone else, it has happened numerous of times which i haven't screencapped sadly, but yes i would to get some rookie friendly servers!
French or British servers please… -
Another problem solved by the CDT, thank you, but i have a question, when does this patch come out?
(Quote) You meaning jumping into the Comm center?
As far as i have experienced the community (73hours on steam, so about 45 hours of multiplayer and the rest is singleplayer with bots ) there's 25% helping peeps 50% peeps who take the piss on rookies and 25% who don't interact (maybe they don't spe…
Also i apologize for not getting my point through clearly, completly my fault, sorry.
That was just an example actually, people don't weld me, i weld them
(so basically i weld myself, weldception)
But yea, tha… -
When did i ever mention splitting up being a bad idea?
I didn't imply it either, but never the less this is not what i am talking about.
I am talking about team competition (not between Aliens and Marines but between marines and marines)… -
It's not Team Deathmatch.
The goal of an NS2 match is to kill the enemy hive, not get x amount of points or 2 amount of kills to win.
In order to achieve that goal, the teams have to work in coordination with each other and the commander.