A bus will drive slower if it is moving backwards then if it is moving forward or?in Strafe Jump Needs To Go! Comment by Vanesyra September 2013
Decoda is a nice tool, I already said this a few times. But it's not powerful enough to handle NS2 lua code. You get several minutes of loading time when opening the NS2 project, you got lags when ever you open a file from that project then. It's ju…
You can look up the server port before joining by right clicking on the server on the server list. So don't join a server if you don't like it's port.
You simply can't force a admin to use a port within a given and so small range. Especi… -
If I understand it correctly, they want to make a game that is very good mod able. Where in the best case, everyone can create some cool things. If you lo… -
You should read some stuff about javascript and especially the javascript v8 engine to get a impression on how powerful this stuff is now a day. And i… -
There are some different points of view on that topic...
... Coding / Developer:
You have something called "GetMaxBackwardSpeedScalar()" within your code, that will return 0.4 on "Marine", this is not applied on strafe jumpin… -
Exos are almost useless?!? I really don't wanna see the paper work that explains thatin Marines are weaker than Aliens Comment by Vanesyra September 2013
The problem with stat pages like ns2stats is that they only tell a part of the truths. It isn't that hard to spot and defend against a skulk rush in the first few minutes, but still aliens manage to do extremely huge damage or even win the game at t…
If you ambush someone from behind, you already have a huge bonus in compare to a attack from the front arc. There is simply no more bonus needed for doing so.
Well I do not agree on Shade being mostly useless in the late game. You still will encounter small fights where it is extremely useful to open with a sile… -
On low skilled servers going shade is close to surrender at 10. Your team will camp all day long, so I would never use this on such servers. This is independent from the question what would be best. It's simply not possible to get that upgrade if yo…
The geometry of Biodome is okay in most parts. One big issue in the layout is the marine starting point being only a two very long way access point. Almost all games on public end with camping marines in Reception for a far to long time until aliens…
I even had people complaining in chat and voice that they will not ruin their "stats" because the game "is lost already". If you don't think that'… -
You are right that the current hive rating is not exactly elo based. But in the end it is going to be, or it's even more worthless. For example, currently it does… -
So you say people that, according to "ns2stats" have a high rating, run away / avoid dying at all cost, because they have a lack of skill? See the problem? They know exactly what they do there. You may been very lucky if you did no… -
You can not rollback a elo system. To do so you would need a database saving every single game of every single server and its results. If something would need a rollback, you need to rollback from the first point with corruption an… -
This system will never be able to perform without getting abused on purpose. The only way to secure it is: you offer server hosting (this could generate a little monthly income for you). So you would still have control over the servers, see what mod…