How do you expect skulks to gain area advantage, when it's only possible to ambush marines?
Should I attack another point on the map?
Well then skulks would be really lame to play, I would call them sknails, because letting youself fall … -
True words -
Then lmg marines shouldn't be able to kill lerks 1 on 1 -
I don't know, which alien movies marine players watch, but in my movies aliens are able to slaughter, seriously, if a maybe is supposed to be able to kill 2 skulks, then the spawn rate would be shorter for aliens.
And if every … -
For me, skulk seemed like the most balanced class...
I like this idea, would be more interesting, current state of camo is useless...
And about celerity, in combat speed increase would make more sense -
As an alien it would be playable for me, if there wasn't the lagg after biting and the mouse lagg.
My mouse lagg is really bad, if I move it in small circles it will work for 1-2 seconds then I look in a completely different direction, that's … -
Already did that, helps a lot. With small fow, it seems like you are in front of marine, while in fact you aren't.
That fork lifter looks kind of odd, because it is too clean without dirt and damage.
I hope it looks better on aliens, don't like shiny plastic skulksin the Spark Engine can now render reflections (Facebook update) Comment by Tobbel February 2013
Yeah, what about him? I talk about a gorge winning a 1 on 1 after building a defense with hydras. Try soloing a marine 1 on 1 without building a defense, good luck with that. The marine just has to come closer and bamm, dead gorge.
Looks nice, bet most will disable it anyway, because of fps issues.
Have same issues some time, often caused by fps laggs, but my system is to blame.
Especially biting is hard, because of laggs and the closed mouth I'm totally disordientated, thats why I
plan my tactic beforehand. For example biting once… -
I don't like the skulk's movement system, there is not enough skill involved
and you can't jump that high anymore, which reduced many tactics.
I'm in it, too. That way using endgame features would be fun for the winning team
and a reasonable goal for the loosing team maintains the moral.
Spit without damage would be ridiculous, that way those slow gorges would be a sure kill any time and
remember Hydras aren't for free. If a gorge build a defense one lonely marine shouldnt be able to kill him, he spent time and nearly 20 pres …