Honestly I agree with Syronym... I think it would honestly be worth the wait for co-op and wouldnt care if we dont see updates for a while like say a month or so.
Recon drones outside would be cool to, you could add monitors that show what they see and maybe let them ping when they find something interesting. There could also be a console linked to collector drones that could go collect ore/scrap/ect found by…
Id like to make my bases look more home-like and technological I always end up building these large bases and yet there is nothing to fill them with so they feel empty or dead
I like the idea of robotic tennats with a personality and give them function too like, say speeding up farming, searching the area for certain materials and ect. And Im not saying only multiplayer like they should do what ark did and allow single pl…
Yo that would be so freaking funny like name the drone Wilson hahahahaha but seriously bases need a little more activity within them and multiplayer in survival games are never bad