Oh wow. Now I'm really confused.
Found the right Bios. Downloaded it. Downloaded the nvflash. The Last step that I should do is "all you have to do is type in nvflash yourfilenamehere.bios"
Looked at everything, it's running. Even started the game again and had something open to monitor the temperature during it. A cozy 45°C maximum. No Problem here.
Overheating is unlikely, there wasn't a lot of Dust in my PC. I did however clean it out after the very first crash, where my card got deactivated. That however didn't help with reactivating the card, only reinstalling drivers did.
My PC (and …
Tried another 5 times. Two new things happend. Twice it crashed when in the menu. Once I first had clipping in the menu, then pixelation errors during the "click any buttton" screen, then clipping and lagging before the steel plate hits you, then pi…