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  • Not yet, it still 2-3 updates away from being playable!
  • (Quote)
    Thanks the antagonising was not asked for we just want to know when the game will be playable on xbox.
    in so Comment by TheLordB June 2016
  • (Quote)
    thanks all i found was 2 week old info.
    in so Comment by TheLordB May 2016
  • (Quote)
    ok so you cant link them here? what do i search for i cant find any info on when the game will be playable on xbox?
    you last post on twitter was 16th may?
    in so Comment by TheLordB May 2016
  • (Quote)
    When have they answered all i can see is them trolling ppl how ask?? and yer i live in the real world where its not classed as a swear.
    in so Comment by TheLordB May 2016
  • Im not lol its not a swear word where i live! and can you please stop the bullying, we just
    want to know when we can play as you cant right now!
    in so Comment by TheLordB May 2016
  • im sorry but this is a terrible attitude. The devs are lucky we bought the game. We have every right to ask about updates, since the game is borderline unplayable. You should really get off your high horse.

    thanks we are all thinking thi…
    in so Comment by TheLordB May 2016
  • Im sorry but this is a terrible attitude. The devs are lucky we bought the game. We have every right to ask about updates, since the game is borderline unplayable. You should really get off your high horse.

    we are all thinking this! and …
    in so Comment by TheLordB May 2016
  • (Quote)
    m sorry but this is a terrible attitude. The devs are lucky we bought the game. We have every right to ask about updates, since the game is borderline unplayable. You should really get off your high horse.
    in so Comment by TheLordB May 2016