Bonnie the Boneshark says "always have the right tools for the job"
Did they fix the bug with the breaking panels in Experimental yet?
I wonder why so many build in the shallows? I build in deeper water since there are more mining nodes, and navigating the Cyclops is a lot easier even f… -
I try to keep it specialized and compact, usually starting with a cross piece. Then one branch is engineering and vessel docking, one for ener… -
Here is the thing, I did some actual testing last night. Now assuming that weight is not a factor (mine was unloaded) there is a huge difference between normal and jet thrusters. With normal thrusters if you start at 100m below the… -
Lol, yeah I figured that one out pretty quick, but then again I am even more old school...it reminded me of 'Bionic Commando'.(Quote)
If you have the PRWN suit and have the drill arm there is a 'dunes' kind of area to the SSW of the lifepod you start with (it seems to be a static spawn area). If you haven't gotten that far, I usually have luck in the kelp forest …(Quote)
When solar panels weren't breaking I would keep some 'way-station' bases. So if I wanted to pick up a lot of quartz as an example to make glass I didn't have to drive the cyclops over there and didn't have to make constant trips. I…(Quote)
I would be very anxious about swimming in the open ocean in a dive suit, and hesitant about swimming to far from shore. But give me what we get in this game (or RL equivalents) and I would be fine. Which might be ironic being a for…(Quote)
Hopefully. I did find it sorta amusing when a rock with floaters glitched and tore a huge hole in the seabed as well as a Reefback nearby spinning in lazy circles.
I also thought of one more point. The way the drill arm…(Quote)
Whether or not you need the grapple hook depends on the situation. If I am exploring in the underwater island area without a cyclops nearby I would want both in case I miss a jump. If I am just going into the underwater caves you c…(Quote)
I usually place a foundation piece and then a corridor. The panels I place on the free areas of the foundation, as I didn't think you could put them on the seafloor, and felt that looked silly too. But before I would have a foundat…(Quote)
I don't know how. My base was built next to one of the wrecks in deeper water. By best bet is one of those big gulper type fish ran into them and broke them since the only ones left were closer to actual base rooms. But yeah, after…(Quote)
Thermal plant depends on where you put your base. While gold doesn't have a lot of uses considering how often my solar panels got destroyed going for a power line to a thermal plant seemed silly.
As for the bio reactor,…(Quote)
Just because something has a survival mode does not mean it needs to be on the same level of 'hardcore' as another survival game. In fact what 'hardcore' means to you might mean something different to me. Hence why I said you…(Quote)
Yes and no. While it is pretty laid back for a survival game this wasn't truely meant to be a survival game first. That doesn't mean it can't become one, but exploration is supposed to be the first priority. At least it was, that m…...I feel weird having apparently only died to the bleeders once. Overestimating my tank supply is usually what kills me, not any of the fauna.in What Has Killed You The Most Comment by TerraBlade November 2015
It might still be an unfinished mechanic. The sub also continues to 'sink' even when it hits the floor which can sometimes cause it to dig in of not clip through entirely. The devs might be deciding what should happen once a sub fi…Since I got no answer here is my full response. I wouldn't mind a sort of 'epilogue' section where you are debriefed or some such on the colony or rescue ship. But I don't think the game should move much past that. This is about the world of subnaut…(Quote)
Maybe this should be more clear. What do you mean story should continue, like an epilogue?(Quote)
Yes but the story elements in the game say that the damage is inconsistent, both for the crash and what is left of the Aurora afterwards, which means...well it could mean a lot of things. Also, the black box seems to be missing if …(Quote)
Or there could be other reasons that are completely logical that don't require intentional hostile intent. I once proposed an idea of an ancient space defense cannon long since sunken into the sea created by an extinct race. That d…(Quote)
Obvious baiting aside, I don't see how I miss your point at all. You are asking for a weapon that overlaps with another in it's intent and basic function, but the issue still is that the stasis rifle just outclasses the harpoon gun…(Quote)
Not necissarily, that would be like in other games where you need to think outside the box in how to overcome the obstacle. I can think of many games where a seemingly insurmountable problem such as an enemy immune to our weapons a…(Quote)
The devs have said that the islands are not something they want to be immediately visible from the pod forever. I think one option for that would be fog, but who knows what they will come up with. They seem pretty creative in how t…(Quote)
No, you are missing the point. They are both the same tool just with different rarities and speed of use. However the speargun vs stasis rifle issue is not the same thing, and in fact would be akin to the powerglide vs seamoth. Onc…(Quote)
First off I never used the term 'lightning gun', I said it could be upgraded to deliver a shock that when the bubble ends makes the target run away. Still puts the target in stasis, it just then makes threats run away rather then c…(Quote)
Complimenting each other would be what the stasis rifle does with the propulsion gun. Their uses overlap very little and in fact cover what the other cannot do, though i'll usually stick with the stasis rifle since to me it has mor…(Quote) Well it makes no less sense that a few ingot of titanium and glass makes a giant fully functional submarine.
While I agree that the stasis rifle right off the bat is a bit strong...I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing…(Quote)
Are you just trolling at this point? As IronHorse pointed out I went through point by point and not only pointed out the flaws but showed how the proposed harpoon gun would be redundant. You are right that currently the stasis rifl…(Quote)
Ok no I didn't see that post, but now that I did I see several critical flaws.
1. You have this being found in the Aurora....when by then we most likely have the stasis rifle and probably charge fins...so why on earth w…