Game tends to stutter, then freeze and crash after a few minutes. Trying again with streaming off now.
Why no more doors?
@Caturday: Surface flame effects have been there before; they are actually 3D objects just like dynamic infestation. Decals are new.
I wonder: What happens if a tunnel entrance gets destroyed while there are still players inside - do they all die, or can they still leave through the intact exit? If both entrances get destroyed, I assume the tunnel will simply vanish and all playe…
It hasn't really become darker, now has it? Also, I assume there are no gore fx other than alien instagibbing by…
Looking great. Babblers will hopefully be a critical asset for the alien side - after all, disorientation is one of their main pillars in combat, and a horde of babblers is just the perfect means to bring chaos into a team of Marines and throw off t…
A whole day? Now I'm sad.
Oi. Belated gratz on your little babbler!
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Warning No formatter is installed for the format ipb
Warning No formatter is installed for the format ipb
Warning No formatter is installed for the format ipb
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