Please enlighten me about the shotgun rushI've never seen it work. It seems like shotguns are awesome for sk…
Thanks, but it seems that most NS2 videos are geared towards things like skulk/fade/marine fps play. I've watched quite a few of It'sSuperEffective's videos, but I haven't seen any specifically for commanding...? And I guess if mar… -
I've had less than 1 hour of comm experience and roughly 100 hours of play but I've never seen early shotguns work. Whenever a comm did try it, we would gain the upper hand for a while, but once people started losing those shotguns… -
I can see how Eclipse might be good for a competitive match as it leads to quick and intense fights right from the get go. However, something just doesn't sit right with me in pubs when I realize that I'm on the losing team as soon as the round begi…
I'd disagree. I feel like a minister of silly walks every single time I play a skulk or fade.
Swapping teams in NS2 makes about as much sense to the player experience as swapping teams in DotA. Or soccer. Not gonna happen.
That depends on so many factors. First, what's "skill"? Many pub FFA players used to think that skill in Quake 1v1 deathmatches comprised solely aim and reflexes, and completely missed out on the vital strategic elements of the gam… -
I think it's far more woeful to have that plugin that forces a team to choose a commander within 45 seconds of the other team doing so. Or that "feature" that starts the game as soon as both teams have a commander, even if there're only 3 marines an…
Does anyone have any info on how that "skill" stat is being calculated? I've been playing more closely matched games recently and despite winning, that score has been going down. I don't care much for it and would rather see more detailed stats such…
@Cannon_FodderAUS Yeah, I think this is the same kind of issue as "mouse forward to look down" controls. And I do have rather awkward key bindings anyway, so cons…
This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I do agree with the OP. I did play AVP2 and loved the rotating camera. It just felt natural and was intuitive to me, and uh.. no I didn't get any motion sickness in that game at all. On the other hand, r…
You forgot to research the red flag tech to counter the onos rush. And the mobile IP upgrade so that the marines can carry their personal IPs with them instead of having to spawn in base all the time.
We should also have sniper rifles and a heavy machine gun amirite?
Oh.. um... :P
Snarkiness aside, he's right about the marines' default gun feeling a bit like a peashooter. I'm not saying that they actually are peashooters. … -
I feel like these things need to be put in some FAQ for rookies. Those auxiliary functions of the flamer make it a darn powerful weapon, but I seldom see people use it in pubs. This thread just reminds me of the last match I was in, where I was on t…