game was awesome bfr they updated it at all I had almost zero issues other then the final.blueprint glitch for the cyclops
Well add in the cyclops frame rate issues when turning ( which never happened to me before they did any updates) terrain generation is extremely slow again worked fine before it had any updates
The game was working in aspects of terrain loading and the cyclops not causing frames hit drops before the update
@RavenLC I'll give that a try
Hey dude first off that other guy is a twat lol any who one of the bugs that's a wee bit strange is on creative I reloaded my save and 90% of the stuff on the habitat builder was gone . It's almost like the save function is simply … -
Hey there devs so another bug to report first of I haven't tried this on freedom or hardcore . But on creative and survival everytime I reload the game all higher tier tech is gone for ex.. the moon pool and all the power generators disappear and I…
Well I deleted my save and reinstalled the game still getting brain coral air bubble sound but other than that seems to be ok
Ugh love this game but it is completely unplayable for me as of now Microsoft really s**t the bed on their certification process, lost the ability to build anything I've unlocked
Hey there I'm having an issue with button mapping I changed the left hand setting from a to left trigger and I didn't change the use functions button mapping (which is A) but when trying to use anything ex. Fabricator, hatch . It makes me use left t…
So one bug I have come across is to do with the button mapping feature I set my left hand to the left trigger and my use is still using the a button but actually using say the hatch or the fabricator makes me use the left trigger
Also the interiors of the structures are so dark now ????
The only way I fixed that was reinstalling the game -
As soon as I go to load my game I can't do anything I can't even back out of the load menu