Is anyone else here bothered by the extraordinary amount of sea glide fragments littered about? what happened here? did a sea glide shipping container explode?
Theres still a bug there. After repairing I had a panel on the floor, the rocket never left and I could repair it again ready to send out a second time.. but other than that.. oh well in First bug I guess for Below Zero (spoilers)Comment by Rooster_800January 2019
I'm having a little trouble with the blueprint options at the start of the game because of the "disaster level" I'm feeling.. In the original Subnautica you crashland and I've decided for myself that you lose connection with your ship causing your t…
Same problem. Reported in game. However.. Looking for a little while longer I found the rocket at the top of the island. So the problem isn't a missing rocket, it's a misplaced Marker in First bug I guess for Below Zero (spoilers)Comment by Rooster_800January 2019