omg please come down. I think it is the long time thats the game is unplayable. Its tru, its a early access but access? The framerate made the game unplayable, really unplayable. My last savegame was from november 2016. And now after long time got f…
Oky i have tested the game with my second xbox without any connection to the cloud. Same issue. I have the Call of Duty 1TG Version and the 512mb normal xbox version. I cant introduce that the savebug are a big problem is. The saveoperation is succe…
Ohh okey i delete all my data from subnautica on my xbox and reinstall the game now. I will response if i has done the reinstall and testing the save mechanism again. Im in hope!
This Issue is really annoying. Since the 3-1 Update i check now multiple times this topic in hope too read that the update is coming how fix the save bug in the next days. I burn it and can not wait for it. With the savebug the game isn´t playable :…