"The Hardened Blade was an upgraded version of the Survival Knife. It was crafted with the Modification Station. Its damage output is 30 health. Before durability was removed it had double the durabil…
@HCP2311 I wasn't being hostile. I admit though at the time when I posted that comment, I was agitated and upset about something going on in my life. I di…
I don't really care how it's spelled. Kinda like "favorite" and "favourite", it means the same thing in the end. What's a one letter difference? Frankly, I think it's really petty and immature that there are so many arguments and pointless debates o…
I wish the devs had added a gargantuan sized creature out in the Void to act as a deterrent instead of ghost leviathans. Ghost leviathans are cool and all, but we've seen them before. It'd be awesome and terrifying if the devs had …
In my honest opinion, the dead zone/void is the creepiest, most unnerving area on the map. Just knowing how deep and open it is, along with the ghost leviathans out there, make it a very unsettling place. I don't suffer from thalassaphobia, but I pr…
Even though it's not really a biome and there's nothing really out there (aside from the GLs), I always thought the Dead Zone was rather intimidating. Just because of how deep it is and how open it is. I don't suffer from thalassophobia, but I get u…