isnt beta testing fun
poll is pointless they aint changing it, despite clearly showing what the ppl want.
Wut he said ^^^
Funny, the alien vision is the only change I like so far out of all these other useless changes.
Are we putting this game up as Early Access again? I mean since we are still adding features to the game. Maybe that advertising will get more players to join up. More TESTERS the better.
So when is the gold release of NS2?
i didnt read this whole thread but will the health bar show looking at a cloaked alien or only when damage is done?
Mute the whiners and you will have less concedes
it was to op so they removed it
This is false. Bile will continue to tick on structures and marine armor. -
Good reason for me to catch up on my other games i guess.
22/24 is full
good thing they test their patches
welcome back UWE u broke the game
Or you can not think about it and shoot till the damn alien is dead?
Greed, exploit, cheat, smurf, selfish. All can be gouped togeter. (Quote)
Wait so your score doesnt go up when you win? -
The all mighty greed for the the win kicks in
Trouble is ppl wont do that. When ppl see an unbalanced game and they are on the "winning team" they wont change. Even if they are up more players. I see it all the time.
I started typing but deleted it... ill just LOL.
Ive seen so many crap players with high hive score its funny.
High hive skill = knowing what team to stack...ftw
for most ppl that is. but some ppl are stupid good and i can see the hive skill works a little bit. and then you get more stacking because hive skill chasers stack with those "actually g… -
most smurfs come in, dont communicate, dont respond to communication. They just come in play it safe and rack up kills for their precious kdr. And when they do communicate...if they do its to bitch out the team for being noobs. imo
points, hive skill, kdr, all shouldnt be part of a team game like this.
I vote for F2P.
Thats always how it was, you can still knock down bile from the air but it was OP to have it burn off from structures and armor. It wasnt a bug it was designed that way. -
just know that when its running your friends cant connect to your game since it will show you playing DIMMDRIVE.
you going to make velcro attached babblers in the future?