Bad news:
Hard Disk Destroyed all episodes lost including the story map.
I fixed the PC 4 days ago but i don't think i have the willpower to redo everything,plus i work 12hours each day since it is summer and everyone wants there A/C fix… -
I don't have the game but i have watched a playthrough at YouTube,maybe the game has subtitles and if you turn them on it will translate?
From the video i watched,here what i know they say:
1.O Ehthros=The enemy.<… -
I tend to have heavy accent sometimes,mostly because i get tired after editing for hours.
The accent is not Russian,is Greek.
It was a hard week with me working and all,today i will start working serious on the next epi… -
Just reading this,is rewarding enough for me.
Only thing i can do is keep the quality of the videos and even improve it.
Just wait for :
Episode 8 - Pandora's Children -
I just finished the "filming" and scrip for Episode 7: Pandora.
All it remains to do is editing,voice over and dialogs.
I will try to finish it in the next 2 days ,depending on the free time i have from work.Bad news
I didn't have much time to work on the episode,i am only half way finished.The main reason except from work was that i push the game to its limits and was running at 8-12 fps.(with all the bases etc.)I have started a New Game an…(Quote)
Well...you will have to wait for episode 6.
I estimate to be finished by Sunday,its gonna be a long one,with many new features,i wish i could say more but its best not too,all i can say is its worth the wait.in Subnautica Sci-fi Series Comment by Operior April 2016
Episode 6 - Bio Research Facility
This one is gonna take me significant more time to make,not only i have to build a lot in game props but also the amount of sfx/visual,editing,scrip will be nothing like the last episodes.Get ready as …UPDATE
Episode 5 - Beacon Of Hope: Is the longest one,also needs many visual and sound effects to be added/created so it will take me longer to make.(Quote)
The dialogs are hand written,i cant copy + paste them,already is taking me about 6-8hours per episode to make.Also i have to go to work,imagine adding the dialogue to description.Episode 4 - Everyone is Gone: https://youtu.be/jVEfvIBxCh0 (Quote)
Everything in the video from scrip to editing is all me.As for the "Father" joke,its from the movie Alien,they call…(Quote)
I didn't give her much screen time i might do another one with more of Shadow.(Quote)
Something went wrong,i wanted to quote 'SourBlue'.I didn't change anything,the quote replace the text of SourBlue with yours or your names got change around somehow.(Quote)Something i always need in Seamoth is a HSI (Horizontal situation indicator) helps pilots know whats up or down left or right tilt,it will add to the game both practical and for immersion purposes.
Small steps to glory,keep up the good work gu…