Hi and thanks! I used unity studio to export certain models, but I did it really ghetto way. So I wouldn't recommend following in my footsteps. … -
I envisioned some kind of bio-dome, or XXL multipurpose room concept too. Something akin to @MaxHess idea here:in Command Module - 3D fan concept Comment by NepsterCZ September 2017
Thanks! Thats way more reasonable, in my opinion -
Yeah, something like that. I honestly don't think there's need to somehow "tunnel" to the original network tho.
I think like, you find the gates, on the first two Islands, you scan it, you get a ping to like old, damage… -
I wouldn't exactly say it has "died". I think of it more like "it has finished". There's only so much you can do in a concept art. Do you have any ideas what to add? -
"Were" is the key word. I dont believe this was the only forum on the entire word to have this sort of problem, right. But the implementation of "security" thingy is just completely wrong.
Basically, to combat SPAM bots, I need to become… -
That just sounds like an edit button, with few extra steps >:P -
They could change the Warpgates, so every Warpgate has its own "symbol" per say, so you could "dial in". Or this could be just a way to connect your bases, so you would permanently pair two player-made Warpgates. Idunno man, let yo… -
Oh snap! Amazing concept, really good work
Ye, ye, exactly! Now I want it in the game so bad
I would roleplay Stargate SG-1 so hard in it
in Command Module - 3D fan concept Comment by NepsterCZ August 2017
I would honestly made it just Precursor tech (I was just lazy to dive into the files), maybe like, have a cables running on the ground to the consoles, like its "jury rigged", or something.
Welp, I did something in like 30 minutes, so don't crucify me for it, but this is how would I envision it. Imho would be cool to have like the Precursor "portal" in your base, untouched (which would indicate you don't exactly know how the technology…
Hm, teleporter room you say. Is there any concept art or something I could base it upon?
More updates. "Version 3.0". I have added partial glass floor as suggested @scifiwriterguy and 3 ladder connection points as suggested by in Command Module - 3D fan concept Comment by NepsterCZ May 2017
We'll see :P
Nah, I was a moderator of a forum once. Mods are for moderating, not for being my servants -
I already asked one of them, if I could be elevated to the "normal" use faster, they declined. PMing them every time I need a edit is borderline being a passive-aggressive assholein Timer problems in these forums Comment by NepsterCZ May 2017
Not In the eyes of the forum tho. I mean, we both know Im not a spammer, but that doesn't elevate my to "non-spammer" categoryin Timer problems in these forums Comment by NepsterCZ May 2017
What I can't understand is this. After 1 day and 1 comment, I can make a new thread. Right? But I can't edit my own posts? How can that possibly have to do anything with spambots? It is like protection against some spam bot that would start one thre…
@EvilSmoo Uneven surface (ramp) or stairs works perfectly in the Cyclops and Precursor bases, so I don't think there is any engine limitation per say. If bases can't supp…
@TacticalHog Thank you
We'll see if the devs not…
So, do you guys have any concepts, or ideas how would you like the Cyclops dock to look? I thought of something like this:Sorry for the spam, but I can't edit my posts, and wont be able to do it for a while, so I have to post it as a message.
I updated the model a bit, I found out that the "glass" dome can actually be used from the Observatory, so I made co…@scifiwriterguy
Thanks! The glass dome is directly taken from the Observatory, the only modification I did (except making it fit to the baseroom, becaus…@scifiwriterguy Thank you so much!
I completely agree, I love the glass ceiling design the most, my biggest complain was at the really bad work I did mo…I worded that poorly. I meant if you are using modified ingame textures, or you made them ourself. You kinda answered my question tho. They look real good, I wish I was this good with texturing work@v497_vesper Thanks. I certainly don't wanna presume what developers should/shouldn't do. I understand that deadline is deadline and that should be the main goal. On t…