Thank you for competent answer! Yes, problem happens on specific servers and not every time. Sometimes everything is ok.
Based on my past experiences with a certain server, I noticed that problem occurs only when route goes through specific ho… -
Handschuuh isn't russian, he from Germany, so it's not only russian problem. Or maybe he got somewhere russian.dll...
Realtek 8111F-VB-CG, 1 x Gigabit LAN, built into motherboard. Router TP-Link WR1043ND, DD-WRT firmware. Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.
Probably this problem is pretty old. I found this topic:…
Problem still exist. I tried everything that NovoRei writed, it doesn't help.
I noticed this issues:
-randomly don't work j1 j2 spectate console commands.
-can't buy any weapoin in armory and prototype lab.
-can't evolve any … -
This does not apply to this topic, but I wanna to say, that I could spectate first-peson in illusions
I don't know, bug is it or fea…
(Quote) Unfortunately I can't reproduce this clearly as it was before. Now everything works better, but something strange is still going on.
That was before: I connecting to the server, trying to type "spectate" into console, nothing happen… -
no, it's a ensl server. ISP fibre connection.
Guys, just look at that: after 2:40
Pls fix it, impossible to play. -
Problem is solved, thank you guys. No red plugs, everything works smooth and perfectly on every server.
Hi again. I wanna bump this thread, still I have this problem. And just wanna share log.txt.
I was a spectator on the server, sometimes I saw a red plugs. After few minutes I got long red plug and probably game wanted to to kick me because of … -
No any antivirus and firewall software. Windows reinstalled few months ago at a time when I bought SSD.
Now the morning and I have no problems with ping to this server. Tonight I try it again, when the workload is high. By the way, I want to e… -
I have new question to developers: how working ingame ping? Because I have strange result on one server. Ingame ping rushes between 60 and 300ms. But if i open cmd.exe and ping it as usual, I get normal result. I hope this information will be useful…
I think this problem is similar to my, because I always have a black-screen issue on problem servers with red plug. But on normal se…
YO.Clan servers works fine for me, so I'm not sure that I will able to make good video...Thank you. I'm ready to give any data and information, that i can provide, even access to a computer by radmin etcI don't use VPN in router. I use it directly from PC. Just open OpenVPN site, there you can find nice vpn service, that called "Private Tunnel". 100Mb traffic for free. Enough to test VPN. I know, sounds like advertisement, but it not ^^Yes, the same result on laptop. I connected to Wooza server and get black screen.
The same result on my PC. But if I turn on VPN, all o…(Quote) This is strange, but with standart MTU 1492, maximum length of ns2 UDP packet was 1442. Then I changed MTU to 1380, and still get 1442 length UDP packets. WTF?
Or maybe i made mistake? Packet size in Wireshark call "length"?..(Quote) I did pingtest. This post: server have new ip, so tracert them.
Left side: ping from my PC, right side - VPNin Red plug Comment by Myx October 2014
Yea, very old problem, I had it many times too earlier. Also DX11 enabled and ATI 7850 videocard.
But i have no this problem now, because i changed video quiality setting to lowin Broken Shadow Maps after long sessions Comment by Myx October 2014
(Quote) Ufanet ISP, Routel model TP-Link WR1043ND (I tried to connect the cable directly without a router - the same result), Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, 30Mb/s download, 10Mb/s upload, wired, specific ones - at least SupaFred's servers (The Thirsty On…Looks like a packet arrives at a client broken. But show me that i have 0% packet lost from Russia to Milan (I don't find pingtest server in Switzerland, where Wooza's server located) How i can test it more?
in Red plug Comment by Myx October 2014Another video for comparison. No red plug on another server, but some strange messages in Red plug Comment by Myx October 2014