Sorry to see an 'era' come to an end but like all things have a beginning, there's bound to be an ending on the horizon too.
Now with that said, if we're going to turn off the lights 'n all, how about we just have NS2 turn into exactly w… -
Dare I ask for a 'source' on this? -
I understand what they're trying to do with this whole "world championship" thing but if UWE really REALLY wants some SOLID EXPOSURE they need to approach Totalbiscuit or even Angry joe.
It kills me that totalbiscuit has yet to upload th… -
Is the fade going into this mod too? ´;..;`
I'll tell ya this much; if I won the lottery as in a couple of mil' then I would totally donate 75.000 bucks and when I arrived I would instruct them to keep working on NS2 while sitting at the table in true villain fashion caressing the gorgie plus…
Now let me tell you how things went down in my case:
I paid the 75 bucks for my shadow badge and in return I recieved 2 emails from humble bundle one email which contains the keys and one that gives me the URL to send to a friend as a gi… -
Hurray we're pass 20% of the total sum of cash needed in only 7 days! (110.000 bucks that is)
EDIT: Quick question, what will UWE do with the funds raised through the reinforcement program if it does not quite reach 550.000 bucks? Will t… -
You know after playing with the new stuff boneshield, exosuit changes etc. I actually get the feeling that UWE might be pretty close to being 'equals' between the onos and exo although if you're gonna be any good and I repeat ANY GOOD you really nee…
Well whatever UWE choose to do when it comes to a new game other than natural seleciton 2 I would love love LOVE to see a game that makes an appearance within the natural selection 2 universe and expands upon that.
Like a bounty hunter/b… -
Man I want my black elite assault marine skin bad! E:
Gotta get that visor over my eyes since the black armor doesn't have the goggles to cover my eyes from all the goop 'nd **** =( -
YES! we need the african american guy back from natural selection 1 so I can be this guy:
in Multi-ethnic Marines? Comment by Morshu September 2013
No F2P nonsense for NS2 please.
People SHOULD cough up some coin for NS2 not just because it's an over-the-top awesome game, but also because of the very VERY high product quality, yeah sure there are some issues currently but UWE are ti… -
Well Imma have a ball anyway 'cause TB is gonna do another interview with the UWE folks at pax prime and THAT was the best news I've heard for the last couple o' days!
Here's something to jump/dance to!
in Am I dreaming?! Comment by Morshu August 2013 -
You know the assault marine skin reminds me of the NS1 marine, try to picture in your head if the eyes wasn't visible through the visor and kinda take off some of that 'plating' on the chest eh? I say it's a spritual skin of the NS1 marine!
Pretty sure all that stuff will pop up when we get near the 3rd of september, well some of it anyway.
Now why don't someone on this forum get their hands on someone who won the lottery and talk them into donating a mil' to UWE eh? x) -
I wish totalbiscuit would give natural selection 2 another look with the reinforced update up 'nd running, heck I would settle with him mentioning it in one of them "content patch" videos of his.
Angry joe REALLY needs to do a review on … -
I shudder at the mere thought of NS2 going F2P! :O
May it never EVER happen 'cause THAT would really make me sad, truly! ='( -
You know what? They should make an exo suit with a buzzsaw blade and a heavy flamer a la CQC exosuit.....
EDIT: Or make it so you can upgrade the claws for the EXO suit to emit some kind of EMP shock wi… -
> Throws cash at the screen but nothing happens =( < -
I think y'all gotta give the devs a break and give it a couple of days, surely they'll be tinkering with the current issues that keeps people from playing during the free weekend event.
In the mean time why don't y'all watch this absolu… -
Yep 75 bucks going straight down the pockets of my favorite dev team ain't a problem since they've been working their butts off surely since release. (and prior to release not to forget)
EDIT: By the way we won't be able to redeem the ke… -
I don't know how many of you went ahead and watched the "State of the game - episode 8" but correct me if I've heard incorrectly which could be due to the fact that I watched it at 5 AM in the morning.
But like I said correct me if I'm wrong b… -
Make a FPS/RPG "horror" inspired by system shock! (set in the NS universe of course)
OR someone could make a mod that'll bring a pile o' gold into the UWE office (like how Dayz brought "loadsamoney" to the Bohemia interactive office.
:-?Oh yes I'm excited about what strategies/tactics competetive teams are gonna try to pull with the new additions.
ESPECIALLY excited to see if the 'regular' EXO suits are going to be put to use with the new improvements for those and such…To be honest I think the railgun shot itself may be a 'tad' too big?
It's just so far I've been able to just shoot in the general direction of the alien(s)/target and get a hit and it's not like I'm aiming carefully to do so.
…I don't know about you guys but when I ran around the map exploring the sights I was totally reminded of System shock 2, not that the map itself resembles with areas of that game but with all the corridors and that big mall area well... do I need to…The railgun for the EXO suit is so friggin' nice against them fades/lerks or even Oni that runs behind a hive only to get zZapped by a railgun from a distance Bwahahahahaha! `;..;´
On another note you move fairly fast with the railgun an…To be honest I can't really tell the difference I always make use of walljumping whenever I'm a skulk so dunno what's up with people talking about the skulk being "broken" and so on.