I also feel this should be bumped to the top of the dev list, the game looks lovely now it just needs to be smooth and real in the motion of its animals. I am an animator too if you guys need help in Creature movement patternsComment by Morphine04January 2016
Yeah near the islands and shallows adds a little danger, I think we are missing shallow flats in the game too, maybe areas the subs can get stuck (tow cable anyone?)
I was thinking about this some more, immersion is fantastic in subnautica and the more real it feels the further it draws you in, the games design has a stylized but realistic feel that works wonders, with light effects and the murkiness of the wate…
I love the idea of bringing a richer environment with more realism. I would like to see more danger aligned with roaming or hidden large creatures. Maybe a huge eel that relocates once the food dies out. You could develope stealthed water shielding …