oh thanks
speaking of things to scan... are you guys planning on adding some more stuff to build/research so… -
i mean come on guys... this isn't minecraft.
what you guys don't understand is that "those players who don't want to go out at night" simply have to suck it up and stay in their base.
going out at night does not equal death, and if you dare to, you can spend the night time for traveling … -
yeah but its still a bug though -
so how do we make these lights?... as far as i can tell they're not in game yet..
No... i tried... in my old save my cyclops had 2000/2000 energy that i could recharge very quickly with just a few uranium pieces... then my computer melted down, and now i have a shitty cyclops with no attachmentsin Can't place a solar panel on Cyclops after the recent update Comment by JaggSauce February 2016
i am not on experimental
@SpacedInvader No man, a sleep option would ruin the whole point of even having nights in the game... the player should, without a doubt, be forced to endure it or s…
a "sleep" option to skip nights are a bad idea.
invaluable yes... one might even say pretty damn OP
thanks for your reply
i only have one grudge: like i said in my post, i can't read PDA or do ANYTHING while sitting on a bench. -
makes about as much sense as the character being immune to depth pressure, having the seamoth being able to go deeper than the cyclops without any upgrades, and having the cyclops initial maximum depth being less than 200 meters.
its lit… -
knew about the bug..
avoiding it intentionally because exploits and cheats become very boring, very quick. -
"should we do A or B?"
1. A
2. A.02
3. A with a mix of lowercase A.
Good job giving us a fucking choice. -
all this technology, and the guy still hasn't figured out how to recharge a used battery using solar power... one would figure, that the first priority after getting food and water, would be to create self-sustaining and rechargable electricity... b…
Yes please... farming quartz is almost more painful than farming crash powders, due to the vast amounts of it that you're gonna need, compared to the 2-3 crash powders you're gonna need for the whole game (so far)
while we are at it, lets add a powercell requirement for the rebreather, a battery requirement for the oxygen tank and for the lulz, lets add a battery to the stillsuit, because that doesn't sound tedious at all.
sorry if i come off like… -
everything looked good except for the radioactive metal salvage.. i really dread the idea of having to constantly switch from stillsuit/rebreather to radiation protection suit/helm just to pick up the most basic material in the game... sorry, the re…
it certainly did NOT happen at the same time... can't put ANYTHING on my cyclops now, and there is no special cyclops-only solar panels.. so at this point i am like "fuck it!" **spawns 30 powercells and stuffs a locker on the Cyclo… -
Bad idea... game interruptions for a click-screen is something i would expect on a phone-game.. not Subnautica. -
they didn't say the rockpuncher is not gonna make it into the game, they just said he was on the "chopping block" because his punch altered the environment (they plan to remove terraformer too because environmental alteration causes extreme lag)
what we really need, is a giant fucking kraken (octopus) that eats reaper leviathans for breakfast.you know what people did in the medieval ages?... they looked at the position of the sun to tell the clock...... but then again... people from medieval times were not gifted with 3D printer technology that can create a submarine out of "thin air" an…P.S if that system was to be extended to the cyclops its should be difficult to do so, and it should be hella expensive to do - like it would cost double power consumption, or be very difficult (regarding materials) to build.maybe they could add a 2nd (and maybe even 3rd) tier fabricator that includes options like this, so it would be part of the progression path like everything else.(Quote)
Oh well... Touché.... i am just surprised you actually looked up the definition of the word.. you are technically correct - the best kind of correct - but i am sure you know what i mean.are we all just going to gloss over the fact that silver and copper is required to make lead in this game?... okay, cool.allow us to make fish omeletes out of the eggs.
Fish and Eggs, all day, every day.there shouldn't be ANY dubstep in this game... i will delete it if that happens.(Quote)
the only local fauna is the lava lizards and larva, whom are attracted to the heat.. they have lava-plating... so i would guess they thrive on it, rather than being damaged by it.