That mouth doesn't look that good for biting into anything large. They're hooked and inward-facing for keeping small prey from escaping; and once more, in order for the beak to close entirely, the teeth would need to fold inwards. … -
I think that if we get a larger, beluga-sized sub, the player should mainly rely on probes and the like for exploration. But these probes should have multiple view ports and appendages for manipulating and analyzing.
Also good way to make use of the screenshots tab. -
Perhaps the PDA could become something more like an augmented reality (or has a visual attachment connected to it via cloud) which can be used to project holographic images onto reality. Perhaps instead of actually interacting with the Aurora crew, …
The seamoths require an upgrade to protect against solar radiation, I'd assume. Pretty sure that the seamoth can't be brought in proximity with the Aurora when the reactors are still shot. -
Maybe I figured that the beauty of the signature was so artistic in ramifications that I'd assumed it would be only enlightening for it to be shared once more. And anyhow, the Urban Dictionary describes a double-post as a 'sentence… -
New signature! I'm testing to see if it works here because nothing I can do will threadbump any more than everything else which goes on in this discussion.
Stop your abuse of the 'Off-Topic tag'; because what you're really doing by this is attempting to suggest that an illogical discussion could be anything but irrelevant. If the moderators really give a pair of dingoes' kidneys, they'll just end the t…
Save the oceans. At least until PS4 gets a higher-res oceanic VR. -
Yes. Thank you. As for tracking leviathans, migratory patterns and habits might be very fun indeed to catalogue by sending out drones to fire tracking buoys tied to harpoons with steel cables. If the subjects submerges below the maximum length of th…
It would amke sense for the cyclops to require double the cost in titanium, though. I mean- the game does still have this whole 'I build a nuclear fission submarine out of the stuff I found in my pockets' feel. Kind of irritating, really... I'd reco…
@Darwin-Evolution said: " 800px-Blood_Falls_01_Medium_Res_photolibrary-usap_-gov_.jpg
In the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica is found the Taylor Gla… -
I saw this comedy about these dudes who find something called a 'lion shark' or something and they had a boat with wing which they called its 'observation deck'... just thought of it. Lemme see if I can find the film and make a gif to put here. But …
I've gotta' be honest, I cried a little as well. And no, I do not respect that I commented where no comment was due.
why not give it three legs and call it a night. -
Dude, they should just make an orbital 3D-printer drone off of your orbital facility and then one at your base which have like really long-range printing beams. They just construct segments of tubes made from who knows what about the player which pr…
(Quote) Yeah, maybe it was a bit of a preemptive necro... But I'm still going to take this opportunity to try out my new necro gif:
in Should Subnautica have legitimate flying creatures? Comment by Isummon_Durt May 2018
If you were to just pretend that it goes underground, then you'd have a good alternative to teleporters. -
I asked what entente was, but then I decided that if it would've changed the rating of the game, it might be better and less stupid for me to just google it.
What's this from?
Also, why would you want a monorail if you could just set up a series of underground tubes which generate the precursor tractor beam field thing and which you can just zoom through in a lit… -
Holodeck malfunction in the scanner room
Wizard of Oz-type scene where Ryley disables a portal and finds a peeper operating a hologram of the sea emperor hiding behind it
Unmasking the cuddlefish as the Borg Assimilator who c… -
Getting crap out of your PRAWN's saddlebags feels incredibly melty. -
Earth is only 14% or so less water, and we have plenty of flying creatures. In the past, they've been truly enormous.
Oh! Right! I forgot-in Should Subnautica have legitimate flying creatures? Comment by Isummon_Durt April 2018
You might like this.… -
Naw, this is Precursor trolling. The skeleton is right. The thing which isn't is the spinal chord XD -
Just make a U-shaped structure out of Hab hallways, and then place a single extension coming out of the middle of the U so that it's like an E and place an upwards-facing hatch there; which should be directly beneath the hatch on your cyclops if it …