what would be the best way to play solo with bots so you could mess around with them? there doesn't seem to be an option
I always wondered why a game (that is compared to RTS's like SC commonly) rarely implements true asymmetry in its map layouts, (in other RTS's maps like the ones we play on would be harshly critisized by its players over imbalances) though it seems …
I agree heavily on the Drifters, and if you have a few in key positions, build a few more (use control 1 through 0 so you can access them quickly like in SC, and keep them moving with your attacking squads of teamates)
Played a game on D… -
sweeet, should help the greens L2P so they aren't useless when they play a real game to (around next free weekend)
Every time someone (obviously of great importance!) feels the need to resort to BM'ing calling the team names and raging
for the first few times it was nice to know what structures I was capable of building, having gotten used to SC2 hotkeys I turned them off and just use the NS2 hotkeys now.
especially after accidentally clicking one by mistake -
Ps I honestly feel like it offers no advantage, considering the gun is constantly in a animated state that kind of obscures vision anyways.
I downloaded the other version of this by that author and followed it up with the red eclipse model which turns the ammo counter red, Looks awesome imo. : )
actually check this out, he has a pretty good point,
at the end of the release trailer (2:36 on youtube) you can see the exo dies and goes exploding into the air with its mini guns still firing which looks awesome but maybe got axed for being …