I've always been curious as to what the Precursors looked like! Like the OP, I suspected that they might resemble the Warpers. Here are some other thoughts:
- Their structures are dry and filled with air - all of them, even the ones deep under…
This is what I'm always terrified will happen whenever I get a creature or wreck appearing where it shouldn't be.
I know. But @jamintheinfinite_1 was talking about a further upgrade, beyond the diamond knife. Would that be even more durable than the diamond blade, or what?
I don't want to medkit fabricator to be limited mechanically (I need all those medkits, darn it, I'm getting eaten alive by biters!), but I also find the noise pretty irritating.
I actually really like the idea that there's weapons on board the ship but that your fabricator won't make them. Maybe the scanner itself refuses to accept the blueprint for it; wouldn't want to get people's hopes up too much.
What could… -
I think adding a survivor would be too much work for the devs and be kind of out of line with the "feel" of the game; it is, after all, a game about being abandoned ALONE on an ocean world.
But I do wish there was some salvage, particula… -
The control wheel isn't a problem for me, but the lack of lights really is - I keep having to shine a flashlight out the window to see where I am, which frankly feels a little silly.
I've gotten only crashfish eggs for, I think, three out of three tries? Not a huge sample size, but after three tries I assumed that I was doing something wrong and gave up. Perhaps the drop rates should be altered? After all, I'm really only ever g…
I agree that more distant biomes would be great - but I wouldn't want them to be procedurally generated safe shallows or anything like that. I feel like that would just confuse new players.
Very true. Like I said, it's by no means a game-breaker for me. But it would be more convenient for players if it DIDN'T block the way, and as the game exists solely for the entertainment of players, that's reason enough.
(Also, I have w… -
Some of these are pretty subjective based on your play style - for instance, I found the power cell charger, the compass, and PARTICULARLY the medkit fabricator to all be indispensable. On the other hand, I found the Moonpool to be very nearly usele…
I dislike that the majority of the edible plant items (creep vines, lantern fruit, etc) aren't as useful a food source as fish. I guess it's kind of a flavor/worldbuilding thing for me. I understand why the creep vines shouldn't be a reliable food s…
I don't mind the gasopods, but I actually thought sandsharks were supposed to spawn in shallow water. I wouldn't mind 'em either, if they wouldn't take up residence right under my lifepod.
This sounds like a great idea to me. I'm not a fan of a lot of the difficulty-increasing features that seem to be in the works recently, and it would be nice if they were opt-in - that way the playerbase can have our cake and eat it too.
I can confirm that eating too much of anything at one time will cause the "bleeding" (presumably vomiting).
Assuming the lantern fruit is no longer nutritious enough to fill you up without incurring the overeating penal… -
Unless I'm reading these numbers wrong, that would seem to put it in the same range as the creepvine sample and/or koosh sample - where you can't fill yourself up on it without incurring "'blood loss.'" But I don't know exactly what the overeating l…
. . . in that case, I'm confused about what this thread is about. -
Cyran makes a good point, actually, I wouldn't mind waiting that long for the Cyclops to be built. The vehicles are a significant enough upgrade to make it feel worthwhile.
What does the first message mean by "water contamination - high," I wonder? Is it talking about the way the Aurora spewed chunks of titanium fragments everywhere?
I always felt like the name 'Safe Shallows' was a bit of a misnomer, ever since that one sand shark decided to take up residence right next to my life pod for most of the early game. It made trips outside more exciting, lemme tell you that.
I named mine 'Scott Summers.'The reduced timers are okay, although I admit I would rather get rid of the timers altogether. They don't add anything to my gameplay experience.We can't eat lanternfruit anymore? I'm disappointed, I really liked it and I didn't see that it caused any sort of balance issue. It's not as if I was struggling for food before; I already had more fish than I knew what to do with. But it was nice t…Ooh, I think it would be cool if it were kind of a big, empty biome like the dunes, except for little oases of thriving life centered around the volcanic vents, which would be scattered throughout the biome.(Quote)
Seconded. Having hatches only on the underside of bases would be an acceptable solution for me, although I still feel like it would be unnecessary. The other solution that I'd be cool with would be changing nothing about how the ga…I particularly like the idea of merging multipurpose rooms and/or of making the Alien Containment Unit its own room.Not a fan of this feature. The fabricator's speed seems pretty low on the list of unrealistic factors in the game, and it seems pretty high on the list of important usability features. All this does is add extra dead space to the game. This is the k…I'm with Mouser. I'm not in experimental mode, but this sounds like a massive pain in the ass. Realism is nice, but a lot of aspects of the game are inherently unrealistic - the fabricator itself especially.
And that's not a bad t…I like it! A fountain would go great in my garden room.I could build hatches everywhere, and I have been jumping, but it would be a nice anti-frustration feature.
It would also be nice to have more shapes of rooms.