The developers plan to start a community translation project:…
There is an outdated Polish language file in the Steam folder, but I suggest you replace it with the English language file which is more up to date, and then you translate all the bits. It's a lot of work though, the file has currently 500 lines. Sa…
In their recent news about the Aurora update, they announced that the Reaper Leviathan will patrol the wreck to eat adventurers who think their Radiation Suit makes exploring the ship totally safe... can't wait for that update!
Oh so the problem is that you can craft 5 pipes with 3 titanium, so everytime you craft pipes with a full inventory, two pipes drop on the ground in the escape pod and cause a mess. Does the glitch only happen with pipes though? Or are there other i…
This doesn't need a fix because you can't reproduce this glitch without cheating. In my opinion the exceeding inventory glitch needs to be fixed, because this would solve the other issues too. If you request 40 titanium, you should only get as much …
Awesome! Until then, I have to remind myself to backup my save everytime I start playing so this doesn't happen again, and luckily there's cheats to easily restore your progress.
(Quote) I usually disagree with @Seldkam because I am pro realism and he is anti realism, but this time I agree with him. You perfectly explained why the suggestions ar…
I have the opposite opinion, I see no reason in building a base when you can have a Cyclops that is basically a moving base. Sure it is much more expensive, but the resource collecting is so much fun! I put a lot of lockers in my C… -
I found out that all save files from the newest snapshot are broken. I loaded that old backup and saved it again without doing anything, and it can't be loaded anymore.
I haven't found this box yet, but I heard of it from other players who had the same question. I think it's a bug. I can tell you what the signals do though, if you hold them in your hand you get a message and see a beacon, then you can go there in y…
They already coded this several times, it's called a raycast. It is used for example to check if a base hatch has enough space to eject the player, and other things. The hardest part would probably be the HUD. -
I think this is already planned, and these doors will also be closable to prevent water from flooding your base. I am also looking forward to closable doors in the Cyclops, right now it is weird that you can't close them
in Suggestion: Base door frames?, maybe? :) Comment by Gr4phene March 2015
Oh by the way there is a config file where you can change a lot of constants, like the oxygen per tank, your swimming speed etc. For now you can just double that oxygen value once you get a rebreather (I might do that).
I can agree with that. Glad we found a solution there at least, just for the oxygen issue we still have different opinions, right? By the way, the oxygen warnings are a bit odd because it says "30 seconds of oxygen remaining" when you only have 27 l…
That's a good idea and shouldn't be too hard to implement either.
Well with that mindset you could just turn the oxygen cheat on because it's already a chore just being able to dive for one and a half minutes despite having two tanks. The whole laser fabricator thing works because it's "future technology", but the…
Nice video, I was wondering if you could build a base so deep. I facepalmed at you trying to place the foundations though, you just have to click on the side of another foundation to attach it there, simple and well known from other voxel games like…
If you ask "is it fun?" for every aspect of the gameplay, you wouldn't get far. It's not fun to have all these sharks and whatnot, though it does add a lot more atmosphere. Same for the oxygen usage, for me it really bothers me that you can just swi…
Maybe you have seen the picture of the terraformer used in the escape pod. The terrain looked extremely red above water, which tells me that the terrain color is intentionally more red to account for the blueish tint under water, s… -
Now try to build a seabase there
or use a terraformer and build it in the wall!
I think it would be much nicer if the Cyclops would have a sonar/radar scanner to map the ground below it. Then it could have a holographic or flat representation of the map in one of the rooms, which should of course be centered on the Cyclops. I l…
You can place the current generator in any direction you want, just look in that direction and drop it from your inventory. This way you can put it at the seafloor pointing towards the surface so you can get a nice upward stream fo… -
Suggestion 1: This has already been suggested many times. Maybe they will add it, I don't know.
Suggestion 2: This doesn't make sense because swimming is definitely faster than climbing, especially with fins or a seaglide. And an airbladder is… -
Question 1: Maybe there will be a hull reinforcement in the future, but for now the Cyclops can't be upgraded. However, you can already dive as deep as you want with it, as long as you don't hit anything. When you hit a rock at below 100m, you will …
In my experience, I looked for Lithium in the Mushroom Forests and only found one piece, they are absolutely barren and not worth the travel. However, I stumbled upon a big dark and terrifying cave full of bone sharks, and it was a… -
There are these plant things that produce air bubbles, it would be cool if you could somehow harvest one and put it in that greenhouse for free oxygen! Maybe you can grow one using the dna analyzer/transfuser thing (I don't know ho… -
For me everything works fine in the newest build, no crashes anymore and loading a saved game finally works too! Seabases come along nicely too after the weird behavior of two days ago. So looking forward to playing again this weekend!
They already have pretty descriptive names, so it is immediately clear for most fish why each fish has its specific name. For some creatures, like the Reefbacks for example, you can't really see the name in game, so you have to come up with your own…
If you can't play the Experimental version (like many others), you can always revert to the stable version by disabling beta versions in Steam. The stable version doesn't contain the newest stuff, but at least you can play it witho… -
Similar things actually exist, just without the lava. They're called Black Smokers and look like this:in All kinds of awesome right here... Comment by Gr4phene March 2015