Totally agree, just need to adjust expectations slightly, everyone knows PC's outperform consoles. -
I too am experiencing fish swimming through my base, agreed the free food is nice though! -
Yep I have that issue, I can repair the comms relay but that's it -
I believe the trailer has been recorded on PC hence the smoothness, that being said the PC version of the game is ahead of the Xbox version of the game, so you'll find things like the frame rate and bugs will be worse at the moment… -
Unknown worlds are working hard to bring the console version up to where the PC version is at, which resolves most of these issues, in the mean time it's just perseverance I'm afraidin 2 nasty bugs Xbox related! Comment by Gargett May 2016
Ah I see what you mean now, sounds like your game save from your other world is having an impact on new games you start, thinking you've already unlocked those blueprints. I seen a similar post on here earlier, I think a fix I seen… -
At the start location near the life pod underwater is a crashed/submerged life pod, it's currently just a transparent object and you can clip through it without any resistance, plus it contains no loot which I know in the PC version it does, another…
I must echo Draek's welcome and share my same enthusiasm and excitement at the fact Subnautica has came to Xbox One.
Been a long time admirer of the game and have watched plenty of Twitch streams in envy at those who had PC's that can ha… -
First bug is something I'm having trouble with as well, really bad shaking in life pod, not sure if this is due to the wave mechanics colliding with the structure/textures maybe?
In relation to your second bug, are you not scanning piece… -
Only thing I can add to the previous posts is that when standing in the life pod constructing items at the station, I'm slowly being moved to the left of it, towards the storage container not sure if this is due to the ocean mechanics glitching thro…