People with ELO around 0 have really bad winrate because the system wont allow them to go negative so they can find the ELO that allows them to have a 50% winrate. Allow ELO to be negative.
(Quote) NS2 is about as uncasual as a game can get, you can go play gorgecraft if you want! -
(Quote) In my experience it takes longer to find comm in smaller servers, you even get people fighting over the chair sometimes, but if you think it scales so much as to compensate for the amount of players, Its gonna be hard to prove each other ri…
(Quote) competitiveness is what allows to build a long lasting relationship with the user.
Look at all the successful and growing multiplayer games around you, they're all quite competitive (CS LOL DOTA). Players are incentiv… -
could you make a weird promotion like F2P for people who own certain games on steam? like people who own CS:GO can play ns2 for free.
This would negate 2 undesirable phenomenon:- the banned cheaters would have to spend money …
(Quote) I wanna give my most sincere apologies to the unsung heroes out there, the solo capers.
Hi, would just like to hear if the CDT has matchmaking in the planings.
I would LOVE to hear how it would work and be implemented. It seems like NS2 is a game that would benefit but it would also be very challenging since there are few pl… -
NS2 server marketing 101: make 24 slots server, join server with 5 other friends (and spam invites in your steam friends), wait 15 minutes for it to fill.
the server who are succesful are simple the ones with the admins dedicated enough … -
its nice because as a marine youre always on your toe and something devastating can still happen late into a game when it looks like aliens cant win
it will take less time than the precaching
how about at the end of every game, instead of giving a lose to one team and a win to the other team we just give everyone a win?
really, the bigger problem is that there is little incentive to sacrifice your own fun in order to help the team. The same criticism can be applied to people going gorge just because they want to gorge, or people saving for an exo all game, or peopl…
the reward for spending a lot of time in the game has to be more than what it is currently, all the popular multiplayer games have the same model now : spend time in our game -) get vanity rewards
tentacles monsters vs anime girls
releasing the game in summer 2009 was a mistake they shouldve waited till 2012 or something
hopefully you get paid
taking all 2:1 bets (my 10 to your 20) that its gonna be match making see you at the top of the ladder suckers
i didnt think it was possible to make the skill ceiling lower than the skill floor, but they did it with this new patch
You have to be highly motivated to get anything fixed when you're on PT, and you have to do it for free. A lot of extremely competent people have been on the PT team in the past and quit because of the counter-productive structure surrounding PT.
I think NS2 could replicate exactly what MOBAs are doing and be extremely succesful and get great ROI out of it. Cosmetics hardly stand out in MOBA's compared to NS2 imo, when I install a skin in ns2 it stands out so much. Look at the black armor, a…
only play aliens, bite a marine once per game, become best player. -
Ritual, I am so happy for you and your family, I wish younothing but the best.
4th option is to get redirected forever
if youre clever you can play around in biodome in this preload patch
marines already get a big benefit from holding a techpoint : DENYING ALIEN TECH. If marines cant control any tech point, chances are theyre gonna lose badly anyway, because aliens are gonna get 9/12 biomass. There are very few instances where it is …
nerf fade hp and SG dmg and maybe we will see some strategic depth that goes beyond mass SG vs mass fades
there's already ruleset difference 6v6 comapred to 12v12, and its already enough to turn most ppl off form playing competitive and splitting the community
That's the point, a great game like NS2 should be more succesful at player retention than the hacker infested warz, if not, they're doing something wrong that goes beyond the gameplay they offer.
even when a skulk is at its most cloakable, you cna still distinguish him
Fades need to be OP cus everything else is garbage.