The selfie in there is from PlayTerik who is a youtuber who covered a lot of Subnautica. He's in the 'Special Thanks' section of the credits.
That said, I agree with your suggestions, especially #2. Time Capsules should NOT be mandator… -
Grats on defeating your first reaper!
To my understanding, a corpse will remain in a chunk until you leave it. Once you return, the corpse will be gone. Also, once you kill a particular reaper, it is gone, meaning that you could (if yo… -
If the devs made it so you couldn't respawn in an unpowered base, then I'd agree with you. Maybe we could ask right here though. I don't know how to flag down a gold response, but so long as a character normally respawns inside their last entered …
I understand how the 'dying' mechanism feels a bit like cheating? However, I doubt that it will ever be considered a glitch. To my understanding, the feature of dying, and respawning inside the last base you entered, is inherent to the game's desi…
Sorry for double post, but I'm updating the information here.
MirrorMeddle officially did a glitchless, any% hardcore. Check out the run here:
https://www.sp… -
Wow, lots of outdated stuff in my post. Edited.
The last time I brought up this topic, I got shown the aforementioned link ( in How long do you think it would take to speedrun this game? Comment by FirstEd February 2018 -
I wouldn't say that's 'bad news' at all! That's a pretty neat strategy for a run! Of course, you could never run, say, Hardcore mode with that… -
Thanks for letting me know that when I answered 'Yes' to the question 'Facebook?' in my profile, that it actually generated a link. I d… -
I would like the scanner room to enable mapping of some kind that is useable from the PDA once it's constructed. Otherwise, I've stopped building the scanner room.
How dare anyone question the marketing validity of my incredibly scientific pie chart!!!!1
That chart, once again, is this:in Female Avatar Option Plz Comment by FirstEd July 2017
So, I thought about exactly that point. Like, what if someone wanted a female Mario, or a male Samus Aran, right?
But, thing is, can'… -
Just a quick graphic for those concerned about how human the male protagonist is.
So there's a really good reason why the player is able to survive despite being infected, and, I have to say, I really like the fact that the game designers went through the trouble to explain it.
However, telling you why that is is kind… -
Sea Emperor, for reals.
Pretty much agree with you. I don't think the inclusion of 'fatigue' or the need to sleep would be beneficial. That said, I still think ma… -
Just a couple thoughts on this one.
Lava Lizards do have a bit more advanced behavior: they feed on Lava Larva and if you … -
I can understand that players might not opt to use the bed, but do you think the game could use some more telepathic messages from the Sea Emperor? Eit… -
Oh yeah, when I was getting to the Thermal Plant the first time, the Warpers were definitely the biggest challenge. But, to be fair, there wasn't much else… -
As another fan of the game, I just wanted to respond to the commends you made, just to provide another perspective on the listed items. You gave a great li… -
That's a great list of feedback! Wow! Good job. I think there are a lot of great points in there, but not all that I agree with. I'm going to add … -
Well, I attempted exiting and entering the brine pools, of both variety, only for it to have no effect whatsoever. It did not recreate the … -
You raise some fine concerns that I would like to reply to.
First, yes, the Reaper can take you through the map or off a cliff. I feel this… -
That is awesome! I far too scared to fight the Reaper out in the open with nothing but a knife. Seems like one boffed shot with the stasis rifl… -
I just want to chime in on my thought about O2 tanks in Voice of the Deep.
I was really excited to hear that they were going to have an 'Ultra' tank. I excitedly looked for it, found the mod station and crafted it. In my head, this was…