Should include secondary raffles for a chance to win SUBway(tm) gift cards.
O_O stop saying flux, this frightens my widdle lerk mind. ;-;
Poor gorge got a hold of American diet I guess
He probably just forgot. :P
strafing and jumping is simply back to the original mechanic. (not that you can no longer jump sideways)
Woo happy bday.
We're live, we can officially say strafe jump is gone. Just pretend it never existed folks.
Patches get release when we're done trying to break it.Oh and when we're done making fun of people who don't ge…
they get tossed into the dark recesses of the mind forever locked away by our self conscious as if they never Strafe Jump Needs To Go! Comment by FLuX October 2013
Any skilled playtesters are obviously wallhackers and aimbotters.
Lerk is NS2 master race.
That's size discrimination and I wont stand for this.
UWE has internal stats system, and every single round ever played is recorded into it with 100 percent sample size. NS2stats is unfortunately hosted more often than not on 24player servers where data can be skewed towards one direction.
You have to remember that the more alien structures in a room the more the room will actually be lit up from the ambient glow from the structures thus revealing the room up even more so a hive location would be lit up quite well on it's own. Not to …
Not sure what you mean by "PR system" but if you mean the ability to contact UWE, everyone is very active in these forums as well as pretty responsive to emails during business hours.
If you wish to contact someone directly you can alway…