Thats actually a big call dude! Since ive started playing NS2 ive always noticd some delay up on the input, if you can get that even smoother and more responsive you would become my personal hero.
its nice to see… -
Reduced variance in time updates between frames on the client (thanks Matso!) most needed change in NS2 history... Matso for UWE President.
Same Shit here ... but probably even more worse .. dunno wich patch this is today i just have installed it after some months again to check it out and this game ... currently acts like a fucking trojan. game crashes + steam freezes + taskmanager d…
Got alot better bugs - you want this?
never thought i would ever find again to this forums but after i saw this "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT" some minutes ago as a replay .. it was just kinda boring.
im not really interested into any competitive scene inside a game that is already dyin…Same problem. changing to higher graphicaldetails gives a inputdelay around 600 MS and even on lowdetails theres a delay of around 100ms ... cant aimYa lol forget it UWE cannot even manage to work with the ENSL wellNatural Selection 2 - Performance Butthurt mkIIEwww old Thread wich is pretty interesting gone to hell .... nobody cared about this :-Ci dont think that there is a reason to compare NS2 with CS ... if you just think logical about the entire thing and about the very beginning of skills NS2 cannot be compared to the one of the most played shooters....
especially when i…Well people want to stack their teams up - its just cause you do not really want to play with unexperienced people. otherwise i mostly do not play public anymore cause it doesnt make any sense at all and it is no fun (for me at least). i rather play…Eww nice - did never know that this game offers such a high skill leveli just stopped playing after around 50 hours cuz years ago…
OUCH a fucking 3,4 million views on call of duty! WHAT THE H.Battleselectionfield 4Where is da 64 Slot Serva
Gota say nice patch for performance - now go on for hitdetection and netcode at allmy Questions are:
when is UWE trying to fix the delay in netcode
and what about huge incoming performance increases to make this game playable on public :P
+ Linuxservers
+ what about new game features like guns or life…UWE cannot set new recommended specs - how should they look like? 3570K 8 GHZ ?
@ Ogre_ dont upgrade for NS2. waste of money - as long as other games runs better on highdetails as ns2 at the lowest theres no reason for - …check out for other servers - i cannot play on UK/French Servers since 240 too, suffer by redplugs - also missing textures for about 40 seconds after i get into the game was introduced by 240 too - rest in piecein Red unplug symbol + constant lagging after the gorgeous patch Comment by Exoskelett April 2013
u should barely stay over 80 fps all over the time to get this playable - i know ur issues and probably u should stop playing NS2 or quake because those games do not like each other in meaning of netcode, performance, input and and and ...
<…why does the screen latency beeing called in here? just simple ingame checks for a good or bad screen - meanwhile my old ACER AL2216W had an huge latency i died before i could see enemys on my screen (CS:GO, CS:S, CS1.6, Quake etc.) - changed it int…niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee very nice job UWE now marines will take about 10 minutes before they get weapons 1 and will lose every single match on descent oh wait... - dont they already do? ...
on Maps like Tram pretty nice balancing stuf…(Quote)
200-400 MS delay with ping 15-20 is okay for you? lol! in CS:S it has been called something like PEAKING ADVANTAGE - gives you the advantage after peaking a corner of 50-80 MS much less then NS2 but still noticeable.
uff jeah need to add transparency to kill the performance harder than ever. this game still has serious issues like the netcode and in fact i was like "Battlefield 3 needs an Award for the worst netcode seen last 15 years in gaming history" but…I know what the TE does mean cause i suffer from the same issue. actually on my card a 68 FPS would run smooth - going below 61 even if its just 1-6 frames just start to feel like playing on a low 30 fps.
in example BF3 starts to stutte…jep noticing this nearly almost every single gamehopefully you dont miss performance upgrades all over the time - maybe network improvements would be fine too after that half year. btw female marine -> TressFX plox xDthere are just a few wallhackers around in this game - one aimbotter seen in youtube videos and thats it. you even can check out google for your own and search for some cheats - just gota say GOOD LUCK.
the reason for this = no players …so DN tried to put all those crags up in the air to be immortal or whats that bad position?Alright UWE what is that new weapon going to be? dont think that is a joke cuz looks like a lot A LOT of work geting this picture…
The way camouflage actually works for the moment should be changed into a passive means 70-80% invisibility while moving fullspeed. for the moment u do not want to use camouflage because on comp. games u r usually not able to pick out 2 marines…