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  • What's most sad is that the player base got so irritated and left that a thread like this that six months ago would have brought arguments out of the woodwork has been up for two days and only has 2 pages of comments.

    First let me say I'…
  • (Quote)
    Heh, I stopped playing after that patch. I tried for about 2 weeks and just hated every minute of it. I tried to discuss it on the forums but the devs (and fanboi competitive players) were too quick to beat down any dissenting op…
  • The best thing about this patch...

    ... is the 6.5 GB it will save me on my hard drive when I uninstall NS2. I'm seriously considering it. Call me a hater if you like, tell me "well if you feel that way go away we don't want you"…
  • (Quote)
    And that's awesome. I'm not a mapper and as a player I can't put my finger on exactly what would need changed to make the map better for me - short of a rollback - because I'm more interested in biting and shooting than designing.…
  • (Quote) Tongue-in-cheek my friend. What I added was obviously my opinion on the map and my opinion on the rage against the players shown by a developer which is a sad state of affairs when they come down to our level. I also know that people li…
  • I'll add my constructive comments now.

    Thank goodness none of the servers I play have docking in rotation any more. Did anyone save a copy of it from pre-updates so it could be added to the workshop for pub servers to add back in?
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