Except... you're wearing a scuba set with an air tank. I could see that, in heavy smoke, it would deplete your 02 meter, but I can't imagine why I'd be breathing the smoke when I'm wearing another option anyhow.
Honestly, I really want to see some of the underutilized area improved before they add completely new stuff. Dunes, Mountains, Underwater Islands... honestly other than Gun Island, there's not a whole lot of stuff to the north or east. The SW corner…
To me, the best kind of storytelling in a game like this is kinda Degasi-style. Smaller side-stories that reward exploration, and breadcrumb you towards more fully exploring areas you'd otherwise hop in, gather a few things, then leave (Like the JSC…
The fact of the matter is that you can have the biggest world in existence and there's not much point to it if it's not full of interesting and fun things to do, and reasons to explore it (No Man's Sky). The world of Subna…
It's not that I want things to be more aggressive though, I just guess I wish there was more reason to go bother them. It stands out to me because in the course of my normal play I never actually encountered a Reaper Leviathan at all. Didn't see one…
While I agree with you to a point, there's a huge difference between "This area is too annoying for me to bother with" and "I really want to enter this area, but I'm legitimately afraid of dying if I do". While you don't want to ma…