is anyone going to help me out with this?
horrendous creatures with a horrible habit of going aggressive in packs
my requests have reached the highest office... my lucky day!!! -
well okay, but to be fair its an alien planet. we mere humans see the head and we think it's a hammerhead. may as well call it ghost shark. one thing i know for certain is that this thing is gonna live really deep because the bio-luminescence would …
finally, my requests for weather have been heard! now all we need are newer climates, like an arctic zone
ghost shark (and yes sharks can get that big. ever see megalodon?)
how about aquarius? sounds simple enough.
anyone have any opinions on my sketches?
i actually made descriptions for them on my deviantart. i quote myself -
Sea Swallower
"Many sailors tell the tale of a massive gaping mouth appearing halfway above the water, swallowing their crew, and sometimes the sh… -
like that?
i still cant upload pictures, damn it.
how do i insert images again? i have some sketches that i want to show you guys.
how would you like it if some jerk decided to screw some platforms to your back? besides the thing would move around by itself and your base would be lost.
(Quote) sounds like a wonderful idea! unknown worlds, get on it!
is there any way to get more people to view this post?
(Quote) would those be my sketches? i thank you.
(Quote) Oh I LOVED that series. I especially loved all the cool creature designs, and the ocean phantom was my favorite!
i was wondering when this would come out. is this update compatible with older worlds or no?
So nobody likes the sketches? Ok
i made some sketches of creatures that i want to suggest. here they are
in Submit Your Creature Ideas! Comment by CrazyAceking May 2015
best improvement they can make so far. and since when is stackable items a minecraft only thing?
lovely idea!
how about sea urchins or sea stars? could be interesting.
in Submit Your Creature Ideas! Comment by CrazyAceking May 2015